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 STARTUP CODE v2.1 by Bald Horse/TRSI              Wanna contact??? just write:   BALD HORSE/TRSI......POBOX 4......43316 BIELSKO BIALA......POLAND

         WELCOME IN SPEED NO. 27        
      ** KI! #1 / OCET DRINKERS **      
      ** KI! #2 / OCET DRINKERS **      
     ** ORGAZM #3 PREVIEW / SCUM **     
       ** TCP INVITATION / IRIS **      
         TODAY'S SUPPORTERS ARE:        
        DARKHAWK, PEPSON AND HIV!       

                    ___     _     -ÐÅ!     ._____.  ____  ¤~0L_   ,æ
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     |                what you can find today in 'speed'        _________\
     |                                                        _.)
     |  [01-01] ....................................... index \|
     |  [02-02] ..................................... credits  |
     |_ [  -  ] ................................... editorial  |
     |/ [  -  ] ..... 'shoud we be afraid?' by magellan/royal  |
    ./  [  -  ] . scenest'97 party report by lord/abs!+ime+cj  |
    |   [  -  ] ......... kindergarten'97 official invitation  |
    |   [  -  ] .......... short interview with qba/nah-kolor  |
    |   [  -  ] .... short interview with korball/dxp+ame+apt  |
    |   [  -  ] ............................. how to support?  |
    |   [  -  ] .......... something about upcoming charts...  |
    |   [  -  ] ........... how to get contact with nah-kolor  |
    |   [  -  ] ............ list of supporters of speed pack  l_
    |   [  -  ] ................ some greetings from blaze...   /
                                                         o        _\/___
                                                         ·\       \/\  /
    _________ ___ __ _  _ __________ _  _ [sPEED #027]    \\        _\/__
   _\ ____________ ________________  ________     ________ \_______|_    |
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  |   _\       \         _  /    /     _\            _\      -r!   \     |
  |_ |__________\       |/______/______________ ____________ ____________|  _|
    \    _______ |______| ____ / __ ___  __ _  _  _ __ ___ ____ ____________\
     \  /                     //
      \/                     ·/  credits for this issue...
   code ............... bald horse/trsi
   graphics ........... lazur/anadune
   hidden graphics .... fade one
   hidden music ....... virgill, supernao, dsx design
   pack music ......... intro speed by revisq/floppy+anadune+mosaic
   mag music .......... emc chiptune#07 by bartman/flying cows inc.
   ascii's ............ acid, ctp, crusader, dave, rave, stylez, the founder
   articles ........... lord/absolute!+impulse+crimson jihad, magellan/royal
   editorial .......... blaze/nah-kolor+floppy
   news ............... bit-rat, curt cool, flapjack, guma, hawk, payday
   compiler ........... blaze/nah-kolor+floppy
 Huh,  sorry  for  delay  with  this  issue  of  SPEED, but really I've some big
problems with my scene and personal life.  Maybe at first I told, that I've lost
my  harddisk,  with  all warez which I have, ofcourse with sources and datas for
this pack too.  This was a big shock for me, for some days I has been turned off
from  scene  life and swapping hehe.  So, here is my request to all my contacts:
please  send  to  me  something  soon  as  possible, and don't forget about your
address,  becouse  I  lost  all of them!  Sometimes now I have big problems with
find  a  addy  to suitable person.  So please, don't forget about that, ok?  And
now  I  need  your help as never before.  Send to me all adverts/messages/latest
news  and  so on to me soon as possible!  I desperate need them...  Ofcourse I'm
still  waiting for repeat at my appeal to musicians.  If this is really too hard
for  you  all  to  make  a  nice  tune  (now  length  can have more than only 50
kilobytes,  maximum  length  is,  so to say, 80 kilobytes) and send it to me?  I
think that not.  Especially when I guarantee disk back with the latest issue (or
if  you  want,  with  this  issue,  where is your module) of this pack.  So, I'm
pleased  again:  support it in everything what you want!  (money and powerup are
also welcome ;)
 Hmm,  what  more  I  can say today.  There, in Poland, will two great party's I
think.   First  is  called  Intel Outside 4 (or Eastern Conference'97, this is a
nondecide at this moment, but party will be for sure between 12-13 July) held in
polish city Wloclawek.  Second party is also next edition of old show, this time
called  Gravity  2,  held  in  Opole  ofcourse.  Details about both of them will
should  give  out  soon.  But, maybe already now dear foreigners, you will think
about  ride  to Poland at one of these party's?  This is my dream - meet some of
my  friends  from  outside Poland at polish party.  I really invite you all, non
polish sceners.
 Ok, that's all folks!  In next issue I also will try to write something, but if
I'll write...  Time will show ;) I decide, that SPEED will be a little slower in
releasing,  last  time I give out some issues in small time beetwen issues.  Ok.
that's all for today, remember about supporting and voting!  :) Your compiler...
                  b l a z e / n a h - k o l o r + f l o p p y
 Post  scriptum  to  Lord.  I hope, that you receive my letter!  As you will see
for  a  moment,  I've  use  your party report again.  This time from Secenest'97
party.  I hope, that you don't be angry on me or something!  And I'm waiting for
 Post  scriptum  to  all  sceners.   Some days ago has die our very good friend,
superb musician and great man.  It's BARTMAN/FLYING COWS INC.  Please, sacrifice
in  this  moment some of our time and commemorate his late by minute of silence.
I  didn't  know him personally very good, but for sure his work (i mean modules)
always  got  some  place at my hard disk.  So Bartman, wherever you are now - we
remember about you!
                       and for end as always my address:
                               Patrick Kalinowski
                                   Polna 63/5
                                 21-200 Parczew
                              everyone is welcome!
   for SPEED supporting and suggestions, joining NAH-KOLOR, elite mailtrading
                          foreigners are preffered...
During  these  so-called  sad  days,  I  have been asking myself if we should be
afraid  of the future of our beloved Scene.  We all know what happens - Amiga is
out  of  breath  for  one  or two years, the most active years are gone, so many
people  are  leaving the Scene recently to find something new ahead - everything
seems  to  be  so  sad.  I hope you know what I am talking about right now.  But
please  try  to  ask  yourself  a  simple  question:  Should we be afraid of the
Even  before  I  talk about all "FOR's" and "AGAINST's", I can boldly answer the
question  itself:  NO, we shouldn't.  I state that the information written above
is  true  -  YES,  the  scene  isn't  what  it used to be 4 years ago, I am even
convinced that it NEVER will be like that anymore cause the golden days are lost
forever.   Don't  ask  me  why because the answer is so obvious.  The early 90's
were  so  different from what we have now, in 1997.  Those times won't ever come
back  so  the golden days of the scene won't come as well.  Do you think that we
will ever have the same rock'n roll atmosphere the mankind had in late 50's?  We
won't!   The  atmosphere is only one in the whole human history and it cannot be
returned  back  with  the full power.  Of course, we have revivals, people still
listen  to Elvis Presley's music or buying The Beatles anthology but not for the
same reasons...
It's  also  true  that the scene is less active, that so few groups do something
currently, that the releases are made just for the money from the major parties.
I agree but the world is the reason for this!  The world is so materialistic, so
commercial based.  We simply cannot hide from this to any "scene".  Scene is the
mirror  of  the  real  world  and as you all know - mirrors cannot view anything
different from the original...
The  solution?  If you miss the former days of the scene, you cannot do anything
about  it.   I  also  miss  some  parts  of  my childhood when I didn't have any
problems  but  I  understand that it's gone and cannot be gotten back.  The same
with  the  scene.   Do  not  be afraid that the Scene will die.  It will just be
different  from what it used to be a couple of years ago.  There are always some
guys owning Amiga and willing to do anything.  Those who want the money from the
parties will surely leave to another scene where they can prosper better.  These
guys  don't  need  the  soul of the Amiga, they just need the computer itself to
make  some money from their skills.  On the other hand, there are those guys who
have the Amiga for what it is all about - for the soul, for the friendly OS, for
the  friendship  as  a whole.  Don't be afraid of losing these guys - they won't
leave  and  will form the scene forever.  Look at the c64 scene - it still lives
and  prospers like never before because just the most "strong" people stayed and
do the best they can...  So don't be afraid!
                   Place: Budapest/Hungary,  4-6, april, 1997
I  just  had  hardly  got  back  from  our  Symposium  (beer)tour a week ago and
recovered from the fever i was gifted with after, yet on friday i had to prepare
my stomach again for another weekend-trip with friends.
Scenest  are  always  the bigest hungarian scene events, so just like this year,
too.   The  place  was  the  same  as  all  Scenest  were in the last 3 years, a
technical  college  in  northwest  of Budapest.  Since i belonged to those white
t-shirt  dicks  now (organizer) i needn't have paid the entrance, though i don't
think  anyway  it'd  have hurted me a lot (900 FT = 9 DM).  The first night went
quite  fast.   We occupied the apx.  200m from the party situated 'Guiness pub',
that already became our haunt and secondary partyplace as well at partytimes.
On  saturday morning after a nice sleep i woke at 8 and wondered a bit how i had
managed  to get back there, but who cared, anyway.  The whole morning went quite
fast  again.   Scorpik's PC fucked up so he couldn't finish his module (in spite
he  got  the 3rd place at last, anyway), so we rather visited some nonstop shops
around to fasten going the time.  When we wanted to enter back to the partyplace
from our morning trip, i showed my ticket, they said 'no way!'.  What the fuck?!
I  was  an organizer!  I showed my T-shirt, too.  They replied the same again...
then my friend told perhaps because i had a 3 litre canna in my hand...
In  the  evening the no.1 hungarian rock-guitarist (Pavelka Gyuszi / AKELA) also
arrived.   We  wanted  to  make a concert together, but since our first way lead
into our 'secondary partyplace', we needed somebody to support back to the party
with a shoulder.  Thus this duo idea cancelled.  Anyway, in spite this i plugged
my  guitar and started 'playing' alone.  I was shocking the audience for 20 mins
or  so,  but  you know it was funny, because I was so upset i saw the contour of
the guitar only and didn't know at all what i played.  After i've managed to get
on  pc's  nerves  enough  i  went  in  the mainhall and snored a good during the
On  sunday  i  woke  for the early 7 o'clock results-showing (that sucked, btw -
they  didn't  know the name of the competitor, only the number - therefore i was
not  surprised  when  somebody  else got the money for the 2nd place PC demo ...
though it was corrected later - i should have been faster ;))
Some more interesting detail about the party:
- 1100 or so visitor (also from Poland, Serbia, Austria - what happened to
  you, Uyanik!? - and Slovakia) ... that's much, eh?
- good handled compos (no delays even on pc either)
- nice prizes (e.g demo: 500 DM + 1000 DM voucher 
                  intro: 100 DM + 1000 DM voucher)
- The Amiga demo compo cancelled because of NO contributions!
  (and only 5 AMIGA intros - where is our scene?!)
- very cheap buffet (e.g 2 DM = pizza, 1.5 DM = big warm sandwich)
- no power problems at all, nor powercuts either
- there were wash-hand basins, but no showers ;(
- enough big and warm sleeping-rooms
- good bigscreen and audio
- nice (boozed) Lord concert ;)
                    ALL IN ALL, I LIKED THE PARTY VERY MUCH!
                          ORGANIZER'S LIFE IS GREAT!!!
                               BE AT SCENEST'98!
 _______  :    | ___________/\ :____ ________ _______   :_________  _________
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                    ..(( k i n d e r g a r d e n ' 9 7 ))..
                     1 .................... Where and When
                     2 ...................... Entrance Fee
                     3 .......................... Features
                     4 .................. How to get there
                     5 ...................... Competitions
                     6 ............. Rules and Regulations
                     7 .................. Kindergarden FAQ
                     8 ........... Staff/How to Contact us
1. Where and When
Kindergarden'97  will  be  arranged  at Hellerud Videregående Skole (College) in
Oslo, Norway.  This is the same party location as Kindergarden 6 was held.
The  layout  of the party is completly different, though.  Last time we used two
halls  for the people, and used a part of a huge sports-hall as a theatre.  This
year  we  will  instead use one of the halls for movies/showing compos, and will
have  a huge cafeteria w/leisure activities and entertainment on the stage.  The
main party will be held in the huge sports-hall, which gives us LOTS of space.
The doors open at 14.00 on Thursday the 3rd of July.
The doors close at 14.00 on Sunday the 6th of July.
2. Entrance fee 
The  entrance  fee  will  be  200 NOK, that's roughly about 30$.  Girls get free
entrance, like they get on most parties.  [Bastards!]
We  will  accept prepaid entrance fee's, but since the prices are kept as low as
possible, it will still cost 200 NOK!  Read the "The Kindergarden Staff" section
for adresses.
The  price  has,  as you might have noticed, risen with 50 NOK.  This is because
the  price for the hall is doubled [!] this time, because we used A LOT of power
last time.  Also, the party lasts for one more day.
3. Features
   The Main Hall:
·  There  is  space  for  about 600 people in the main hall.  There are ofcourse
enough tables and chairs.
· The  hall  has a lot of power, over 1000 Ampere.  If the need should arise, we
can  drain  power  from  the various classrooms on the school, every one of them
feature about 100 ampere.
· Showers for everyone!  We will set up a separate shower for female guests.
· Clean toilets!  We will actually clean the toilets now and then, and take away
all the paper from the wastebaskets...  And put in new!
· Sleeping is allowed everywhere in the complex (except, ofcourse, the locations
that are sealed/locked and off limits)
·  We will set up a information-channel running on a few screens inside the hall
w/important messages/what films are currently running etc.
· No fucking stealing of equipment!  We've not had problems with this before and
we don't want it now.
· Organizers that are not too shy to give messages/host compos etc.  ;)
Happenings, Entertainment and Leisure Activities:
·  A theatre located next to the cafeteria will be showing all the latest movies
nonstop on laserdisk.
·  The  city-life in Oslo is great, and the subway is located 50 metres from the
· We will set up a few coin-op's in the cafeteria to have fun with.
·  Hopefull  the  scene in the cafeteria will feature liveacts from cool artists
like Superted & Yebo etc.
·  Various  suprise  events.   (No lame remote-controlled choppers flying around
with lame advertisements though...  Thank god!)
· We  might set up a few machines running IRC so that the addicts can spend some
time on the net.
· We will set up a Kinderegg stand in the cafeteria where you can place all your
Kinderegg figures!
Food and Beverages:
· A  24  hours  open cafeteria with food (Even the first day) and beverages with
low prices.  Ofcourse with Kindereggs!
· A  small  kiosk  at  the  entrance  of  the  main-hall  will sell hot-dogs and
beverages.  (Limited selection)
· A mall is located 20 metres from the entrance of the hall.
· Peppes Pizza is located quite close to the hall.
· McDonalds is located quite close to the hall too.  (10-15 minutes to walk)
            (You are free to set up links/networks yourself though)
4. How to get there
Since  Kindergarden is arranged in Oslo, the capitol of Norway, transport should
be  no  problem.  If you need to ask for directions, the area around the hall is
called "Tveita".
Go to our WWW page to find maps of the area around the hall.
· Take the plane to Fornebu Airport in Norway.
· Follow the instructions for train/subway.
·  Travel to Oslo S.  (Oslo Sentralbanestasjon, the 'connection point' of trains
in Norway.  Mother of all stations.  You should find it.  :))
· From there take the subway to Tveita.
·  The  college is located 70 meters from the station, just walk around the mall
and you will find it.
If  you  have  problems finding the way, be free to phone one of the organizers.
Please  notice,  however, that we can not supply any means of transportation for
you or your equipment.
5. Competitions
All competition entries MUST:
· Come with FILE_ID.DIZ (44*11) file that describes the intro.
· Come with .readme file in AmiNET format that describes the intro.
· Come with all required nonstandard libraries.
· Be harddisk installable.
· Have clean exits to the OS.
· Work on 020+ processors including A4000/040.
All  entries will be shown on an Amiga 1200 with either 030, 040 or 060 and with
8 or more megabytes of RAM.
· Demos will be shown until end or for 10 minutes.
· Pictures will be viewed for about 30 secs each.
·  Modules  will be played for maximum 3 minutes.  (Except if it is close to the
We  preserve  the  right to stop showing somewhat 'unserious' or extremly boring
entries at an earlier stage.
Setpatch will be run before any demos/intros.
All entries to the competitions must be delivered on disk(s) to the staff in the
· Disk(s) must be labeled + have a paper w/information wrapped around it.
        Entry Name: 
         Real Name: 
             Disks: x/x
   Amiga Demo ---------------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 19.00
·  Max  size  for  demo is 5 megabytes.  (In runable form, you may ofcourse have
realtime decrunching of exe/datafiles)
·  Max  RAM  useage is 2 meg CHIP and 8 meg FAST.  The demo SHOULD run on an 020
processor with 4 meg FAST memory.
   Amiga Intro --------------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 12.00
· Max file size is 64 kb.
·  Max  RAM  useage is 2 meg CHIP and 8 meg FAST.  The demo SHOULD run on an 020
processor with 4 meg FAST memory.
   Amiga Oldschool Intro ----------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 12.00
· Max file size is 10 kb.
· Should run on an standard A1200, although it may require FAST ram.
· Should have some connection to what intros was used for before.
   Amiga Game ---------------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 18.00
·  Max  size  for game is 10 megabytes.  (In runable form, you may ofcourse have
realtime decrunching of exe/datafiles)
·  Max  RAM  useage  is  2  meg  CHIP and 4 meg FAST.  The game must be somewhat
playable on an 020 processor.
You are free to make any kind of game you want, and they will be played live for
maximum 5 minutes.
   Music 4Channel ------------------------------------ Deadline: Saturday 15.00
· Max module size 1500 kb.
· Must be delivered in MOD or MED format.
· Entries will be played with HippoPlayer.
Sorry, no DIGI Booster modules, next time maybe.  The format is too unknown yet.
   Graphics Handdrawn -------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 13.00
· Files must only be delivered in IFF or GIF format, and max feature 256 colors.
No obscure screenmodes, entries will be shown on an A1200.
   Graphics Raytraced -------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 13.00
·  Files  must only be delivered in IFF or JPEG format.  No obscure screenmodes,
entries will be shown on an A1200.
   Graphics Animation -------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 13.00
· Maximum 500 animation frames in 16 colors.
· Animation must be in PAL: LORES (320*256)
   Ascii Logo ------------------------------------------ Deadline: Friday 23.00
· Must be viewable in CED. No ANSI.
   Wild ---------------------------------------------- Deadline: Saturday 12.00
·  You must bring your own equipment to show the entries, if it does not work on
an standard Amiga with 8 meg FAST or is over 10 meg in size.
· Please deliver big wild demos in VHS format.
· Brief explanation of the wild demo must be given to the organizers.
· Live acts will have maximum 5 minutes each. (Female nudity allowed!)
                      * THE PRIZES HAS NOT YET BEEN SET *
6. Rules and Regulations
The rules are simple.  We do not want to control your life.  Just be nice.
·  We  do  not  allow  anyone  selling food, disks and the likes without WRITTEN
permission from the organizers.
· Illegal drugs and alcohol are ofcourse not allowed inside the party area.
· TOO intoxicated persons will be thrown out or put in the showers.  We will not
throw you out for good, like some other lame parties do.  (TP/TG sux!)
· Puking inside the hall will be fined with 100 NOK.  Please use a toilet if you
suddenly have an urge.
· Any damage to personal and public property must be paid for.
·  We  can  and  will  not  take  the  responsibility  for any kinds of theft or
injuries.  Not even injuries by our big guards.  You have no witnesses.
· Smoking is not allowed in the sleeping hall, the theatre or in the main halls.
Please  smoke  in  seperate  areas  put  specially  aside for this.  We have not
decided  if smoking is allowed in the cafeteria.  Since it is a public building,
it's actually forbidden by norwegian law.  (Maybe if we open the windows?)
·  No  bannerpainting/tagging/etc  inside the partyarea.  We WILL catch the ones
who  do  this,  and  we  WILL  beat them up and throw them in the trash.  (After
taking all their money and calling their parents.)
· Norwegian laws act as normal ofcourse.
· Be polite and smile when the organizers try to fix your problems.
· No drunken skateboarding/rollerblading inside the partyarea. Be careful.
·  Don't  bitch  the  organizers  all the time if you can fix something yourself
without us noticing.  (But stay away from the power!)
· It's cool to be crew. They are gods.
7. The Kindergarden FAQ
There  will always be something that people wonder about, and will call us voice
and nag about.  This should answer most of your queries.
   Q: Can we reserve tables at Kindergarden for our group?
   A: No, sorry. But there should be no need. Just come in time and grab a lot
      of space.
   Q: Will the toilets be EVEN cleaner this time?
   A: Yes. Ofcourse. We'll even put paper and soap where it belongs.
   Q: Can I go partying?
   A: Ofcourse you can! Oslo by Night is GREAT!
   Q: Can I come with my IBM-Compatible machine and play Quake in network?
   A: No! Die!
   Q: Can I come to Kindergarden if I am a PC scener or an ex.Amiga scener, and
      compete in the competitions?
   A: Yes, as long as you deliver your contributions in the right fileformats
      and on Amiga readable DD disks. Okay, we might accept PC formatted DD
      disks as well.
   Q: Can I bring my microwave oven/fridge/etc?
   A: Sure, if you bring your own supply of power. :)
   Q: Is there any bustrips to Kindergarden from foreign countries?
   A: Check your local newsgroups or BBS'es. We will put information about this
      on our homepage if we recieve any.
   Q: Uhh, like. Do you check our bags?
   A: No, not really. We're too lazy.
   Q: Can I steal some equipment at the party? I really want that harddisk.
   A: Sure. Can we rip out all your nails, beat you to a blood pulp with a
      baseball bat and put needles in your testicles?
   Q: Can we stretch the deadlines?
   A: Can we stretch the competitions?
8. The Kindergarden Staff/How to Contact Us
   The main organizers of the party is:
   Daniel Bruvoll        Acid/Alpha Flight & GRT           Home: +47-63828821
                                                         Mobile: +47-90189390
   Dag Stenstad          Baffle/Delirium & Lightforce      Home: +47-66795921
                           Mobile: +47-92232702
   Øystein Sættem        Arcane/Royal & Mystic             Home: +47-63903366
                         Mobile: +47-93053236
      BBS: Basic Instinct at +47-63828335, Sysop is Acid.
      IRC: #kg97 at IRCNet (Euroside of old EFNet)
                  Contact us if you have unanswered questions.
  Check out their page on the WWW on for really great deals!
                       small interview with QBA/NAH-KOLOR
Handle: Qba
Function: Swapper
Group(s): Nah-Kolor
Previous group(s): Investation, Obsession, Illusion, TRSi, Pil, Anadune, U'Race
Real name: Jakub Pienkowski
Age: 19
Nationality: Poland
Age in the scene: 4.5
Your favourites:
Music: Techno/Goa/House/Acid/Ambient etc.
Movie: Trainspotting, Kids, Pulp Fiction, Rejs
Drink: Beer
Food: Pizza
Tv-Channel: Cartoon Network
Your scene-favourits:
Group: Floppy, Anadune, Jormas
Coder: Zig/Floppy
Graphician: Lazur
Musician: Revisq, Dave, Substance, Dreamer, SuperNao, Yolk & Legend, Groo
Swapper: Blaze
Demo: Deep Mix, Closer, Shaft7
Intro: Pure, Blur, Fad
Music disk: Moments
Slide-show: Wild
Pack: Speed
Party: Intel Outside II
Scene coutry: Poland
Game: Tilt
Your configuration: A1200 4mb fast, 170 MB hd, Monitor Philips
What do you think about Amiga scene: Still kick ass...
What do you think about PC scene: Nothing :)
Anything you want to add, or send greetz:  Greetz and BIG sorry to all my old
                                           contacts, see ya on Intel Outside 4
           small interview with KORBALL/DINX PROJECT+AMNESTY+APATHY
Handle: Korball
Function: swapper, raytracer :)
Group(s): Amnesty, Apathy, Dinx Project
Previous group(s): Highest Level, Venal, Soldiers And Flowers
Real name: Przemyslaw Korpysz
Age: 21 (11.06.76)
Nationality: polish
Age in the scene: 2
Your favourites:
Music: My Dying Bride, Anathema, Samael, Leibach, Front 242
Movie: Natural Born Killers, From Dusk Till Down
Drink: fruit juice from tymbark
Food: crisps, vegetarian food
Tv-Channel: Nova TV
Your scene-favourits:
Group: TBL, Oxyron, Artwork, Essence
Coder: Offa, Azure, Oster
Graphician: Nero, Facet, Louie
Musician: Twister, Roz, Virgill, Groo
Swapper: Magellan, Blaze, Jacool
Demo: November Light, Papadeo 2, Nexus 7, Captured Dreams
Intro: G-Force, Blue, Hazmix, Phi
Music disk: Soundgarden
Slide-show: Wild, Artcore
Pack: Speed ofcourse
Party: Rush Hours, Staszic Compo 3
Scene coutry: Sweden
Game: Ufo, Bloodnet, XP8, Eye Of Beholder 2
Your configuration: A1200, 4mb fast ram, fpu, 210mb HD, some disx, 21' colour TV
What do you think about Amiga scene: Great phun
What do you think about PC scene: Don't know
Anything you want to add, or send greetz: All scene friends, especially Yoyo
                              ____      _____   _____    _____      ._____.
  wanna send something?     ./  _/______\    \ _\    \ __\    \  ___|_    |
  write here now!         ._l_____      /____/  /____/   /____/_/    /    |
                          |_     /         |                         \   _| -ÐÅ!
  speed staff              /----/__________|--._______________________\--\
  polna 63/5
  212oo parczew         or to one'n'only official spreader of this product:
                                       piastow slaskich 1/69
                                           strzelce opolskie
 charts  will  be  accessible  when i collect more votesheets (about 100).  when
this  will  be, i don't know, this is only your choose!  so be nice, as you will
vote  for  speed  charts!   when you will fill votesheet, please, send it to me,
jacool or at one of these addresses:
   sloody/network+silicon     melon/nah-kolor+mystic     keldon/giants
   belloni laurent            marcin banasiak            kenneth fajkowski
   7, rue de risquewihr       p.o. box 720               arvesgarde 30
   68200 mulhouse             58105 swidnica             41744 gothenburg
   france                     poland                     sweden
   def/floppy                 blunt/talent+ghd           korball/amnesty+dxp
   andrzej nowinski           hank wijnholds             przemyslaw korpysz
   p.o. box 9                 martkade 110               niedzialkowskiego 47/8
   01125 warszawa 102         9581 aw musselkanaal       41800 zabrze
   poland                     holland                    poland
   guma/ambrosia+amnesty    the hooligan/freezers
   lukasz pieczara            mikko virtanen
   p.o. box 8705              urpupolku 6a17
   91494 lodz 87              15240 lahti
   poland                     finland
     _____      _______   _______ ._____. _______   _____    ._____. _______/_
   ./  __(____./       \./   _   \|     |_   _   \./  __(____|     |_      /
   |   \      |    7    |    /    |     _/   _    |   \      |     _/     /
   |__________|_________|___/     |     |____/    |__________|     |     /
     tF!/u'R!              /______|_____|   /_____|          |_____|    /
                                           c  o  n  t  a  c  t        /
                              _ _____________________________________/_
                \                                        __/__ _
                 \    n  a  h  -  k  o  l  o  r          \/
    ______   ______ .____.        .___.             .____.
  ./  _   \./  _   \|    |_____   |   |_____ ______ |    |   ______   _______
  |   /    |   _    |   _     /   |   /    //      \|   _|__/      \._\___   \
  |__/     |___/    |___/    /    |   \    \   7    |      /   7    |   _(   /.
    /______|  /_____|  /____/     |___|\____\_______|_____/_________|___\_____|
           _ _________\_                                              tF!/u'R!
                                                    at these addresses...
b l a z e                                  q b a
p o l n a  6 3 / 5                             c h o p i n a  4
2 1 2 0 0   p a r c z e w                      1 2 1 0 0  s z c z y t n o
p o l a n d                                    p o l a n d
for speed support, elite mailtrading, joining  for quality modules swapping
m e l o n                                  m a g i c
p. o. b o x  7 2 0                             s p r e f u w e n l a a n  6
5 8 1 0 5  s w i d n i c a                     1 7 4 2  g p  s c h a g e n
p o l a n d                                    h o l l a n d
for paradise support and elite mailtrading     for joining and elite mailtrading
k l o d                                        a m i f l a s h
k r a j e w i c e  3 8                         o s. p i a s t o w s k i e  11/7
6 3 8 0 0  g o s t y n                         6 4 0 0 0  k o s c i a n
p o l a n d                                    p o l a n d
for coding troubles                        raytracers heaven :)
           _____ _______________________________ ___________ _______
          |     |                               |           |       |
          |  1. | majkel/venture                |  355,000  |   8   |
          |  2. | splatterhead/scoopex          |  353,000  |   2   |
          |  3. | darkhawk/iris                 |  337,000  |   1   |
          |  4. | big-rat/abyss+ethic           |  334,000  |   2   |
          |  5. | flapjack/appendix             |  312,000  |   8   |
          |  6. | guma/ambrosia+comic woodheads |  239,000  |   1   |
          |  7. | decoy/passion+puzzle          |  234,000  |   8   |
          |  8. | devistator/abyss              |  230,000  |   2   |
          |  9. | hiv/scum                      |  140,000  |   1   |
          | 10. | punisher/instinct             |   66,000  |   2   |
          | 11. | pepson/opium                  |   24,000  |   2   |
                today's supporters are darkhawk, pepson and hiv
    ___________________ ___ __ _  _                      __ ___ _________/\
   _\ ___________    __________  _______     _______    _______  _________ \_.
  |  _)         /_ __\___     /__) ____/__ __) ____/__ _)      |_\       _|  |
  |  \      \           /    /     _\          _\              _/_\      \   |
  |   \____       |_____\_____ ___________ ___________.        |__________\  |
  |_       |______|                                   |________|-r!         _|
    \  ____________ ___ __ _  _  [gREETS]                 _  _ __ ___ ______\
         BLAZE/NAH-KOLOR+FLOPPY sends his best regards to followin' sceners:
                             Ace/UNION+FRIENDS ZONE
                                Bald Horse/TRSI
                                Base/PHUTURE 303
                       Black Dragon/HONOO+LIMITED EDITION
                                Black Fire/NEXUS
                                Boobba/SECTOR 5
                             Braindead/TRSi RECORDZ
                      Budgie/VENAL+FRIENDS ZONE+DOGGYSTYLE
                      Carp/PHUTURE 303+STROBE+FRIENDS ZONE
                             Coma/THREE LITTLE ELKS
                             Curt Cool/DEPTH+K!NKY
                        Deus Docet/RAVE NETWORK OVERSCAN
                             Dr.Szach/DINX PROJECT
                     Dvize/LIMITED EDITION+DEVIOUS DESIGNS
                             Emer/STAGE DIVING CLUB
                      Flapjack/APPENDIX+STAGE DIVING CLUB
                                GDM/LOOKER HOUSE
                     Hangman/COSMIC WOODHEADS+ACTIVE MINDS
                                Iceman/SECTOR 5
                             Iglo/STAGE DIVING CLUB
                     Jacool/ACTIVE MINDS+STAGE DIVING CLUB
                         Jim/SECTOR 5+STAGE DIVING CLUB
                               Ko$mi/DINX PROJECT
                                Lfo/PHUTURE 303
                          Madel/RAVE NETWORK OVERSCAN
                               Magellan/ROYAL PC
                             Marc/SYNDROME+SECTOR 7
                                Mister No/APATHY
                             Olka/STAGE DIVING CLUB
                      Otton/HIGH VOLTAGE+STAGE DIVING CLUB
                        Pickpoke/SCUM+STAGE DIVING CLUB
                          Pnx/GRAVE RAVE DANCERS UNION
                       Punk/ILLUSION+HEAD+UNDER PRESSURE
                              Qix/FLYING COWS INC.
                                Raptor/SECTOR 5
                            Receiver/LIMITED EDITION
                       Rooster/SUNSHINE PRODUCTIONS+HEAD
                        Speed Devil/SUNSHINE PRODUCTIONS
                           Tft/RAVE NETWORK OVERSCAN
                            The Founder/SCUM+U'RACE
                             The Hooligan/FREEZERS
                                  Vega/RAM JAM
                     Zany/RAVE NETWORK OVERSCAN+PHUTURE 303
                            Zounds/FLYING COWS INC.
       and too all rest who's i know and don't remember at this moment...
        _________   ______  ____    ____    _____   _____   ______  ____  :
      ._) _   _  \__) ___/__) _/____) _/__._) _  \__) _  \__) ___/._) _/__.
      |   |   |   |   _/__\____   \____   |   _   |  _|___/   _/__|____   |
      |___|   |   __  |   __  |   __  |   ____|   __ \_   __  |   __  |   |
    sYz   `---|___| \_____| \_____| \_____|   |___| \_____| \_____| \_____|
                         - s - e - c - t - i - o - n -
                              today messages from:
                           boobba/sector 5+azkberries
                     guma/ambrosia+amnesty+cosmic woodheads
                             curt cool/depth+k!nky
                   some messages from blaze/nah-kolor+floppy
if  you  don't  receive any life form sign from me more than two months, this is
for  sure  post's work!  then take a ced, write something to me and send package
fast  as  possible!  i will reply to all of you in 24h!  addy is also for elite,
friendly mailtrading...
there  is  only  messages  to a few of my contacts, becouse of hard disk crash
which  i  had  some weeks ago.  so, if you don't find your handle here, don't be
afraid, i'm still in contact with you!  (ofcourse if you was/are in contact with
me once...).  and remember to recontacing me, if you haven't got any letter from
me more than two months.
to:  all of my english contacts!
i  got some days ago a letter from england, but post stole disks, i receive only
envelope!   i  don't  know  who  send  it  to  me,  on stamps is date of sending
probably:   21  april, about 8 p.m.  so please, contact with me again, i must to
know who you are!
to:  ace/session
i heard, that your harddisk had a crash.  well, sad, but this was happen about 5
months  ago, right?  and i haven't any life form sign from you since more than 8
months...  fuck, please write something soon!
to: ace/union+friends zone
a  od  party  nic,  kompletna cisza.  albo sie na mnie kurwa obraziles, albo nie
wiem sam juz co...  pisz kurwa!
to: acid/dinx project+appendix
no i pieknie kurwa, zajebiscie po prostu!  kocham cie arek za to, ze sobie siana
nie  dales, ze jakos wytrzymales.  bo naprawde nie wiem, co by sie bez ciebie na
scenie  dzialo.   bo  raz,  ze  jestes  zajebistym czlowiekiem, dwa, ze naprawde
obiecujacym  grafikiem, to szkoda byloby cie stracic.  anyway, list juz niedlugo
i ciekawe, czy jestes zawarta w nim propozycja zaskoczony?
to: adonis/iris
well,  thanks  for  answer  on my contacting letter.  i see, that you are like a
own-prods-swapper  hehe.  cool too, but i prefer rather letters and fast answers
than  delays,  long  letters  and  very  hot  stuffs :).  anyway, i'm waiting on
something new from iris factory!
to: badboy/giants
hell  jonny,  how you feel?  thanks of course for great sending which i got last
time  from  you.   well,  'eurochart'  simply rule man, you saw last issue?  and
sorry for my delay, for some days i will send a letter to you...  bye for now!
to: bald horse/trsi
dzieki  za  programy  i  nowe zrodlo do 'speeda'!  moze by tak troszke na moduly
poswapic, eh?
to: base/phuture 303
here  is  the  same as in many other my foreign contacts.  huge delay since some
months...  please, recontact me soon, if you read its of course!  i'm waiting...
to: big-rat/abyss+ethic
i got latest (15?) issue of 'x-files', thanks for updating news about floppy and
nah-kolor.   and,  if  you can ofcouse, write to me soon becouse i have got some
new news!  :)
to: bipbip/fresh
thanks  for  contacting me mate!  i hope, that you receive my package hehe.  and
when will be first issue of your own pack?  i'm waiting for in with impatience!
to: black dragon/honoo+limited edition
hello  paul!   well,  latest  led's demo was a quite well i think.  ofcourse i'm
waiting for some new releases.  i hope, that you remember about my requests, eh?
to: black fire/nexus
pewnie  nam kurwa list wjebalo, bo zawsze tak szybko odpisywales, a teraz pewnie
wiecej jak miesiac dileja...  albo sobie w preta walisz hihi.  pisz szybko!
to: blunt/ambrosia+talent+ghd
another  delay,  or  maybe  you are quit the scene?  becouse some people told me
this  sad information..  i hope that its only liar, becouse you are my favourite
contact,  you  know?   please  hank,  write something very, very soon!  and send
ofcourse last issue of 'too hot' pack...
to: boobba/sector 5
tym razem wszystko bylo wspaniale, modulow mam coraz wiecej!  no i hitbita teraz
dawaj, on jest wspanialy...  jak ci sie 'captured dreams' podoba?  :).
to: braindead/trsi recordz
hello  juha!   at first thanks ofcourse for contacting me, it's great to getting
more and more friends worldwide.  and, hehehe, you are right, poland is a really
strange  country.   especially  our  post  :).   yep,  i  heard  your  tune from
cyberlogic 3.11.  preety cool, really!
to: bubba/iris
czesc  kuba,  jakos  dlugo juz nic od ciebie nie ma.  aaa, zapomnialem, matura w
tym  roku,  right?  mam nadzieje, ze zdales pomyslnie i na scene wrocisz razem z
nowym numerem 'woca'...  czekam!
to: budgie/venal+friends zone
witam pana, jak tam majowy urlop?  zaraz sie konczy, mam wiec nadzieje, ze jakos
cos od ciebie niedlugo dostane i bedziem czadzic jak dawniej :).
to: carp/phuture 303+strobe
heh,  probably  you  has  write  to  me some weeks ago, but...  i got only empty
envelope,  disks  was  stolen  by post.  i don't know, maybe this wasn't sending
from  you,  maybe from my other friend in england.  if it is only delay from you
side, write something soon!  and read this info 'to all my english contacts' for
to: case78/scoopex+c-lous
i'm  no  one  who is waiting for your letter.  so i tell you, in the name of all
swappers  aroud  the  world, please contact with us again!  becouse this is sad,
when scene will lost another great swapper and man.
to: celtic/jetset
heh,  another  one  similar to case78.  fuck, this is really too hard for you to
writing  a  letter,  save some stuffs on disks and send it in envelope?  i think
that not, only you must want to do it this.  i'm waiting!
to: chriz/apathy+element+massive
hi!   remember about me?  you has reply on my contacting letter, i was reply too
and now what?  silence...  please, write something soon as possible!
to: coma/three little elks
i  has  got  reply  on  your recontact letter, i hope, that we will continue our
swapping as once...
to: crusader/session
fuck,  another  delayer.   i know that modems and internet are great things, but
you should remember about your other friends, who's haven't modem and account to
internet!  please, write to me soon as possible!
to: ctp/mawi
dziendobry  tomaszu,  jak zdrowie?  czekam na list od ciebie, na wywiad toze, na
'sdv'  nowe, na kolekcje i logosy dla mnie, na support pieniezny i koniec swiata
:).  no i jak pisalem, standardy zondzom, wiec nie pierdoli mi tutaj, zem lamer,
bo takie uzywam :).
to: curt cool/depth+k!nky
latest  issue of 'eurochart' was as always very good.  but, previous was better,
i  told  you  it in my letter for you.  anyway, how you like a revisq's modules,
eh?   i hope that you liked them.  and i'm waiting for next package from you, my
friend, with 11 or even more disks full of modules...
to: czarny/skulls
wojciechu,  moj  przyjacielu.   kiedy  'bambo' issul first, eh?  jakos malo tych
polskich  produkcji, nie ma co na zachod slac :).  mysle, ze wyjdzie toto szybko
i packa dostane od ciebie tez zaraz po wyjsciu!
to: damion/artwork
and  what oliver, you receive a module by revisq?  i hope that i will heard this
one  in  one of furthcoming issues of 'generation'.  oh, btw.  i hope to getting
new issue soon as possible, as always!
to: danthy/nexus
ty  tez  jakos  tak  sie  ociagasz  z  listem do mnie...  pewnie, jak wiekszosc,
siedzisz i kujesz coby zdac do nastepnej klasy.  a jestem zagrozony i leje!  :).
pisz szybko...
to: darkhawk/iris
hello my friend!  thanks for you last sending, for sure i will put an invitation
for tcp to next issue of 'speed'!  take care mate...
to: dave
jak  sie  masz  przyjacielu?   slyszalem  te  tragiczna nowine, swiat jest kurwa
pojebany.   szczegolnie,  kiedy  ginie  taki  mlody  i  pelen  energii czlowiek.
trzymaj sie jakos i napisz cos jeszcze kiedys...
to: decoy/passion+puzzle
i'm waiting for next releases from both of your group!  especially on next issue
of 'dansktoppen'.  write soon!
to: def/floppy
sorki  kurwa,  ale  tak sie wszystko zjebalo w ciagu tych kilku godzin, ze szok.
dostane list, to ci wszystko opisze, teraz ani czas, ani miejsce...
to: deus docet/rave network overscan
i  wish  you all the best in new group my italian friend!  i hope, that you will
pass all exams which you need.  write soon!
to: devistator/abyss
hello  again!   here  is  your  polish friend, blaze/flp+nah.  well, anyway, you
remember  me?   i  hope so, becouse i haven't got any sening from you since two,
three  months...   i  hope to getting something from you (or abyss factory) very
soon!  cheerz and look out for football match between poland and england!  :)
to: digger/iris
hle,  hle,  hle,  i  teraz mam nadzieje wrocisz do normalnego swapu...  bo takie
rachunki  molochy  to  przegiecie  na  maxa, ale coz.  bozia cie teraz ukarala i
dzwonic nie mozesz :).
to: drac/ambrosia
thanks  for  contacting,  ofcourse  we can swap together.  i will reply soon, so
to: drf/venal
pierwszy  numer 'lifeforce' jest napewno nie taki, jakim go sobie wyobrazalem po
twoich  opowiesciach...   ale, mam nadzieje, ze sie rozkrecisz hihi.  ze swappem
takze, bo jak narazie to cienko ci idzie :).
to: dr.szach/dinx project
a  do  ciebie  to  chyba zaraz zadzwonie, coby sie dowiedziec, czy matury dobrze
poszly.  pewnie tak, ale i tak zadzwonie :).
to: dt214/void
hello, i hope you got my letter!  hmm, maybe it's a little hard swapping with me
instead of qba, but...  i hope that you will reply on my letter very soon!
to: deus docet/rave network overscan
hi my friend!  hmm, i think, that you are a memeber of rno at this moment, i saw
news  somewhere.  so you see, that this is not my joke or something.  and i hope
that  you you will back as full-time-swapper very soon!  keep the faith in amiga
and our scene!
to: dvize/limited edition+devious d.
my  oriental friend, sorry for my delay!  but i lost your addy with my hard disk
unfortunately  and  i  stopped  all my swapping activites for some time.  i will
reply to you very soon, wait!  and led's demo is a quite nice, really!
to: exon/riot+jormas
hi mate!  as always long delay, but i hope that gods' will release next issue of
'jurassic  pack'  :).   hehe,  just  kidding.  anyway, if you read this message,
write to me very soon, ok?  i have a small proposal to you...
to: flapjack/appendix
u  defa  byl?   slyszalem,  ze  nie  mogles  czy  cos...  ja tez :( sie mi kurwa
wszystko  pierdoli  ostatnio.   anyway,  'spychola' :) mam nadzieje, ze niedlugo
nowego dostane!
to: frame/c-lous
hello  frame!   you  have got my contacting letter?  and maybe you will reply on
its,  eh?   will  be nice hehe...  btw.  your picture from icing'97 beta is very
good, maybe even excellent!  and when new 'no sense'?
to: franc/dark team
z  wojska  juz  chyba  zaraz  wyjdziesz,  wiec  moze  na scene wrocisz, eh?  mam
nadzieje..  czekam!
to: gdm/looker house
majkel/vnt  says,  that  you  in looker house planned something like a magazine.
hmm,  great,  becouse  in last time we have on scene too less good magazines :).
oh,  i  hope  to  get first issue straight from you, you remember about my first
to: ghandy/gods+darkage
i  heard,  that  you  joined darkage team.  well, i wish you all the best in new
group.  but, maybe you will send me a gods' demo from symposium'97, eh?  becouse
i didn't got its from anybody.  and when will be 'disc' available?  :)
to: growl/apathy
hello!   eh,  you  probably are back on the amiga scene, so maybe you will write
something to me very soon, hmmm?  i hope so.  i'm waiting!
to: gulp/azkberries
dzieki  za  odpowiedz!   boobba  mowil,  ze  sobie  przerwe  zrobiles,  wiec nie
myslalem,  ze  zrobisz  dla  mnie wyjatek i cosik napiszesz.  a tu taki surprajs
hihi.  no i pice rulez!  :)
to: guma/ambrosia+cosmic woodheads
raze'owi  powiedz,  ze  niedlugo  napisze, niech czeka :).  oczywiscie czekam na
jakis list, teraz to chyba coraz szybciej zapierdalamy :).
to: hardfire/intense+ngc
at last in contact, i hope that now post didn't stole our letters...  write soon
my friend!
to: hawk/giants
please  tell  to  keldon,  that  i'm  a little angry on him for his fuckin' huge
delay.   ofcourse  your  letters  rule,  i'm  waiting for next one!  and i still
think, that polish scene is suxx hehe...
to: iceman/sector 5
nareszcie  kurwa  list,  zajebiscie.   jednak  to nie jest to samo, co internet,
prawda?   oczywicie  internet  jest  gorszy  :)  anyway,  fajnie ze matura jakos
poszla,  ze chyba wrocisz do normalnego swappingu...  wielkie buziaki dla ciebie
odemnie!  :)
to: iglo
pewnie  nigdy  w  zyciu  od  ciebie nic nie zobacze, ale fakt jest faktem, ze na
jakims party mogiemy wychlac flaszeczke.  kiedy?  io4 for example hihi...
to: inikep/venal+genetic
pecety  zondzom,  tak?  chyba tylko wedlug ciebie hihi...  anyway, mam nadzieje,
ze mature zdales z pomyslnoscia i niedlugo wrocisz do normalnego swappingu :).
to: jacool/active minds
oh,  widze, ze nareszcie sobie jakas grupke znalazles, nawet cos robi :).  a tak
na  serio,  to z floppy moze cos wyjdzie.  standardowo nic na 100%, ale...  no i
czekam na list!
to: jakec/nipson
a  tutaj  to  na  sto  procent  jest  wiadome,  ze list wjebalo.  z dziesiecioma
dyskami,  kurwa...   jesli  to  czytasz gdzies i masz ochote dalej sobie troszke
popisac, wal smialo znow do mnie!  jak pisalem wyzej, odpowiedz w 24 godziny :).
to: jim/sector 5
witka  wlodek!   zaraz  sie zabieram do pisania lista do ciebie, wiec nic wiecej
nie powiem...  :)
to: kaosmaster/darkage
sad  to  heard,  that  'show  time'  is dead.  this was a one of bests magazines
around  the  world.  but, i hope that darkage's new producion ('planet', right?)
will  be  more  greater,  more  cooler and will live to end of world and one day
longer :).  i'm waiting for your letter!
to: keldon/giants+depth
fuck,  what a delay!?  maybe you are wait for next issue of 'tnt', maybe you are
a  little  bored with scene or swapping, i don't kurwa :) know.  but, if you are
still  on the scene, if you are still my friend, write soon as possible!  and my
support for 'tnt' i sent to hawk, i hope that you have got it.
to: kestrel/syndrome
eh,  another delayer.  if you still want to be in contact with me, please, write
something soon!  or give me a sign in 'generation' or something like that, ok?
to: kismat/apathy
fajnie,  ze  chociaz  w  przeciwienstwie  do mnie napisales jakis normalny list.
teraz  i  ja cos splodze, spox.  a burdel w szkole to mam chyba jeszcze wiekszy,
tyle ze jakos sie tym nie przejmuje niewiedzac czemu.  czekaj na list!
to: klaf/freezers+appendix
a  wiesz co kolek tajmer zrobil, wiesz?  usmiercil 'bigoza', zajebie go kurwa...
pewnie  i  tak  tego  nie czytasz, pewnie i tak juz na scenie nie jestes, wogole
nikt nic nie wie co sie z toba dzieje.  wracaj klafie, nie lec se w preta!
to: klod/nah-kolor
rob  co  masz robic, na intela ma byc gotowe!  amiflashowi powiedz, zeby do mnie
pisal  jak  najszybciej  hihi...   acha,  dzieki  za  paczke,  to co chciales ci
wyslalem.  mam nadzieje, ze odezwiesz sie szybko, bo jest sprawa!
to: korball/dinx project+amnesty+apt
witaj  przemku, jak zdrowko?  kurwa, 'seenpoint' rozpierdala doslownie, podaj mi
teraz  numer  do  fishwave'a, to do niego zadzwonie, i pogratuluje osobiscie :).
mam nadzieje, ze mature zdales pomyslnie i do swappingu powrocisz!
to: kovy/union
witam!   pewnie  juz  z  pol  roku jak od ciebie lista nie nadalo.  pewnie sobie
dales siana jak wiekszosc, ale dysk to by sie przydalo odeslac!  pisz kurwa!
to: ko$mi/dinx project
slyszalem,  ze  ponoc  masz  wrocic  do  swappingu.   ale  jakos listu nie widac
niestety.  mam nadzieje, ze slowa cialem sie stana ;0, i to juz niedlugo!
to: lfo/phuture 303
paul,  my  friend!  huge delay from you, also 'subculture' isn't too much active
in last time.  what is happend with you, eh?  write something soon!
to: lithium/gods
hello  my  friend!  i sent letter some weeks ago and i'm still waiting.  well, i
hope to get something from you soon!
to: lord/absolute!+impulse
well, well, well...  it's my hungarian friend.  i hope you receive this issue of
'speed'  which i have sent you last time.  also i hope, that you aren't too much
angry on my for this trick with your article :).  and i can depend on your reply
in future?
to: madbart/appendix+anadune
witam!   hle,  hle, dzieki za pozrdowienia w acs, jestes boski!  ile dostales za
ten  artykul, eh?  :).  wogole, to pewnie teraz appendix sie tak rozkreci, ze my
flopiarze bedziem cienko pierdziec.  scout zondzi, jest zajebisty, takze...
to: madel/rave network overscan
hija!  dlugo juz od ciebie nic nie ma, mam nadzieje, ze to kurwa nie poczta.  no
i na nowe 'nrg' czekam takze, mysle, ze sie poprawi :).
to: magellan/royal pc
well  marek,  i got your letter some days ago, but unfortunatelly i haven't read
your  letter  becouse  of disk errors!  suxx, i know, i will try write something
soon as possible...  take care.
to: majkel/venture
w  wawie  tez nie bylem, mimo tych moich zapewnien.  wszystko sie zdazylo zjebac
wciagu  kilku godzin.  anyway, czekam na list i ten music disk wierzy, na wywiad
ofkoze tez!  sayonara moj przyjacielu...
to: marc/syndrome+sector 7
hello  marc!  i hope, that you will swap with me.  and even if not, i think that
you will make some modules for my pack, too.  anyway, i'm waiting!
to: mcrudi/mawi
jakos  nam  ten  swap  sie  powoli  uklada,  mam  nadzieje,  ze  nie  zjebie nam
wszystkiego poczta czy jakis inny przykry wypadek :).  pisz szybko!
to: meecash/thefect
kiedy  nowy 'necronomicon'?  czekam z niecierpliwoscia...  no i dzieki za texty,
napewno wiekszosc sobie wykorzystam hihi.
to: melfis/cider
well,  i  think that post stole our letter.  becouse i haven't got anything from
you since many months.  please, write something soon, ok?
to: melon/nah-kolor+mystic
powoli  sobie  wszystko  uporzadkujesz, zobaczysz.  sprawe z 'paradise' tez, mam
nadzieje,  ze  wszystko zgodnie z planem sie potoczy i w wakacje to wyjdzie!  bo
ludzie sie juz niecierpliwia :).
to:  miko63/ex.iris
well,  i  heard  that  you  has  been  kicked  out  from iris becouse of lack of
communication.  hehe, the same as with me :).  maybe you haven't enough time for
scene?  yep, i know, in greece is many, many very nice girls in these warm days.
but remember about protection :).
to: mister no/apathy
i wish you all the best in new group ofcourse.  i also hope, that you receive my
support for 'point&rock'...  wait for more hehe.
to: mj/massive
hello,  what  is  happend  with  you?   and  when  will  be  first issue of your
'monument'?  i'm waiting on this, so please write soon, best with magazine :).
to: morino/thefect
jak po maturze, udalo sie?  mam nadzieje...  pisz szybko misiu hihi..
to: muffler/haujobb
write  something  soon my friend!  and ofcourse send some of your latest modules
hehe...   the  ones  from  last  'seenpoint' are great, really!  if haujobb will
release something in newr future?
to: napoleon/rage! staff
salome!   i sent two letter to you and both aren't replying unfortunately.  sad,
but  true.   maybe in future i collect some votes for 'rage!' and will send them
to you, i'll see...  sayonara and send something to me at last!
to: nemes!s/digital
what  is  going  on  with your magproject 'underworld'?  i'm very interesting in
stuff  like  that, so...  and don't forget, that i'm a official spreader of this
production,  so  this  will  be  nice,  when i got it from you sooner than other
people.   and  reply  to  me  also before releasing 'underworld', i have a small
proposal to you...
to: noodle/haujobb
well,  magic  told me, that you has drop most of your contacts, also me, that is
true?   in  last days many people quit swapping for stupid internet accounts and
communication.  remember:  nothing didn't give you friendship and atmosphere how
swapping have!  and i'm waiting, maybe you will change something :).
to: nork/ntw+massive+osmose+darkage
hehe, too much groups as for 38 columns :).  anyway, i hope that you got my last
letter to you, eh?  stupid post stole our previous letters, but i think that now
will be everything ok.  and i'm waiting for 'trashcan' ofcourse!
to: norman/ex.anadune
a  ty  to  masz  taki wpierdol, ze kurwa bedziesz latal miesiacami po orbicie...
dobrze  wiesz  za co, zeby tak kumpli ostawic bez zadnego ostrzezenia!  pece sux
jak jasna cholera.  ty tez...
to: noxis/pride
dzieki  za  list,  jak zwykle w deche.  no a szkola sux, kazdy dobrze o tym wie.
przynajmniej ja napewno :).
to: pantera/balance
probabaly  i  never  will  get something from you, what a pitty.  but maybe it's
only a 'small' delay?  please, write to me soon!
to: pepson/opium
musze  kurde  kiedys  wpasc,  coby scignac tego goscia elektronika.  bo juz mnie
powoli  wkurwia  ta niedzialajaca mycha.  a tak wogole to pisz szybko i daj znac
czy  trza  spridowac  invitation  czy  tez  nie!   bo  jeszcze  z  slc  sie  nam
to: pestilence
dzieki  za  to  demko, jakos nikt wczesniej mi tego nie podeslal.  a moze by tak
zostac przy tych 6 dyskach?  slyszales juz nowe megadeth?  odpal, stary...
to: phantom/syndicate
hello  my  english  friend,  how are you?  well, i haven't got anything from you
since many, many months...  so please, give me a sign in further days, ok?
to: pnx/grave rave dancers union
a ty to juz nie musisz pisac, chyba wiesz o tym...  nudzi mi sie takie cos :).
to: point/apathy
well  point, you was a surprised?  i hope so :).  and i think, that i could wait
for some letters from you very soon.  remember:  now is your turn!
to: proton/sadist
ot  kurwa,  ale  dilej.   cos ten reorganizing swapu na dobre ci nie wyszedl, bo
jebiesz jeszcze wieksze dileje niz kiedys :).  pisz kurwa, pisz!
to: punisher/instinct
sorry  for  my  delay,  but  i  haven't any version of quarterback after when my
harddisk  was  crashed...  but for sure i will get something and i reply on your
letter!  again sorry and wait!
to: punk/illusion
hi  markus!   if  you  will  write something to me soon, remember ofcourse about
requested  ascii's.   and  if you can, write soon, i have more and more requests
from my polish friends :).
to: qba/nah-kolor
witam  kubusiu, jak zdrowko?  ide sobie do ciebie zaraz przekrecic, wiec narazie
to: qix/flying cows inc.
nareszcie cos od ciebie dostalem.  fajnie, dziekuje :).  a klimatyczny bar cetep
dokladnie mi opisal, kase za browar moge zwrocic, ewentualnie wypijemy cos razem
na io4 :).
to: rahiem/essence
i  hope,  that you receive revisq's modules, he is really great musician.  and i
think, that i could wait for some virgill's tunes hehe.  when will be next issue
of 'rom'?
to: raptor/sector 5
slyszalem  od  boobby,  ze  twardziel  ci padl.  plaga kurwa, jak jasna cholera.
pewnie listu szybko od ciebie nie dostane, ale spoko, poczekam...
to: raven/nuance
and  how  is  work upon yours magazine?  i hope, that good and its will see very
soon light of the scene.  and i hope to get it from you as one of firsts!
to: react/head
hi joeri!  what was happend, your amiga was stoled by aliens or something?  also
as  noodle  -  you  didn't  send me anything since many months...  please, write
to: reciver/limited edition
i know, that you are a pure elite guy, but even guys like you should sends disks
back!  fuck, i hate diskstealers...
to: revisq/floppy+anadune
moduly   sa  zajebiste,  zarowno  te  do  'speeda'  jak  i  do  magazynow.   juz
porozsylalem  gdzie trzeba, teraz wystarczy tylko czekac.  no i sam tez oczekuje
jakiegos fajniejszego listu niz ten ostatni :0
to: rooster/sunshine productions
hello my friend, how are you?  i'm still waiting on your letter, since more than
half of year probably...  i hate delays, so please write something soon!
to: shock/crystal
well,  i  hope  that you wanna swap with me hehe.  as i said in letter, qba drop
swapping, he took me over some of own contacts.  also you!  i'm waiting!
to: sixpack/gods
i  heard,  that  you  bought  new amiga after this, that you lost old one at the
party  6.   well,  great,  but  when i got a letter from you, eh?  best with new
issue of 'disc' hehe...
to: sleeper/ex.phuture 303
witam kurwa!  niby sie na party widzielismy, ale widziales w jakim bylem stanie,
wiec...  nie pogadalismy sobie ani troszeczke.  pewnie juz tez nic od ciebie nie
zobacze, trudno.  3maj sie!
to: sloody/silicon+network
heh,  i  don't  have enough power to writing messages like 'fuck, post stole our
letter,  write soon!'.  so, i say only one word:  i miss you!  :).  and ofcourse
send new issue of 'pikaboo'.  don't leave the scene mate!
to: splatterhead/scoopex
hi  vesa,  how  you are?  well, i have your letter actually, so don't be afraid,
that  this  post stole our sendings or something, it was only a small delay from
my  side.   hmm,  in last time i had a harddisk crash, so you should understand,
why i got break for a while...  wait!
to: strife/apathy
hehe,  you  know  that i didn't receive any letter from you lately?  and you has
write in 'digital chips#21' that we are in swapping.  blah, i don't think so.  i
haven't got any reply on my contacting letter, so i thinked, that you never will
reply  on  my  letter.   and  now i know, that you got my letter, that we are in
contacting, but when i got your letter, hmmm?  i'm waiting...
to: sundance/appendix
jak  po maturach, eh?  mam nadzieje, ze nie zlamerzysz jak to norman na przyklad
i  klona nie kupisz.  ani mi sie waz nawet.  i jakis list w koncu by sie przydal
to: swoop/rebels
well,  you  are  angry  on  me  or something?  or maybe it is again post's work?
becouse  since some months i haven't any reply from you, shit happends.  anyway,
if  you  read this message, please write to me something very soon, ok?  i'll be
grateful :).
to: tft/rave network overscan
thanks  ofcourse  for  you  letter, even if this was on paper.  i hope, that you
will  leave army for some weeks, maybe you will back on the scene as a full-time
member?  :).  i hope so...  take care!
to: the founder/scum
hik!   kurwa,  taaaaki  dilej,  na  dodatek  'orgazma' nie ma nadal.  w kulki se
lecisz  jak chuj :).  po maturach juz, wiec mam nadzieje, ze zaraz tutaj list od
ciebie dostane, ma tak kurwa byc!
to: the hooligan/freezers
thanks  for  contacting,  it  is always great experience to getting more friends
worldwide  hehe.   and  rememeber  next  time  to making for me some modules for
'speed', ok?  i'll be grateful to death :).
to: thunder/scoopex
well,  i  heard  that  you  bought  a pc, bleeee...  i hope, that this is only a
fucking  games  machine  for  you, not a scene one.  remember:  amiga never die!
amiscene too, becouse this is a real scene...  write soon!
to: timer/appendix
jesli  to  co  slyszalem  o  'bigozie'  jest prawda, to jajca czyjes beda latac.
pisalem  w  liscie  - nie chcesz skladac, oddaj mi, pomecze sie, poswiece, zloze
chociaz  ten  jeden  numer.   mam  nadzieje,  ze  to  tylko  takie pierdolenie w
to: traitor
nie  wiem  co  kurde  bedzie,  narazie mam twoj list w domu.  jesli sie szefowie
zdecyduja na cos, to dowiesz o tym napewno!  narazie czekaj :).
to: trasher/artwork
oh  fuck,  you  are angry on me or something?  or maybe you don't want send me a
'generation'?  :) anyway, please contact me soon, ok?  and please foregive me...
to: uhu/freezers
wlasnie  dzwonilem,  jak  mowilem  list  nie doszedl.  pewnie zajebali kutasy...
poczekam  jeszcze  pare  dni  i  napisze  cos  sam, spoko.  i pozdrow tam dave'a
odemnie jesli bedziesz mogl, niech sie jakos trzyma...
to: vega/ram jam
well, ram jam is a little unorganizing in last time.  sad, when this cool groups
will die.  anyway, i hope that you find something cool to join and you will back
to swapping bussines very soon...
to: yoyo/mawi
albo paczke wjebalo, albo sie mi odwdzieczasz teraz za ten moj wybryk.  pewnie o
drugie  hihi...   anyway,  nie  moge  zrobic nie teraz na odleglosc, co najwyzej
jeszcze  raz  przeprosic!  no i dem z tg97 mi nie podsylaj, mam juz oba pierwsze
(i  dalsze  tez  :).   ale  artworkowego  z  sm97  nie  mam,  stracilem  razem z
twardzielem  ostatnio :(.  takze to mozesz spokojowo podeslac.  i czekam na nowa
to: zounds/flying cows inc.
tomi,  my  friend!   i  hope,  that you enjoyed our last demo.  and ofcourse i'm
waiting on some more productions from fci finland!  :).  write soon my friend...
                    delays list from melon/nah-kolor+mystic
     i'm  q r w a  still waiting for answer for that sukrwysyïskich people
     if you know someone of this  p i e r d o l o n y c h  guys ,then giwe
     him a message 'i still wait for letta   q r w a  t w a  j e b a n a !
                            bartman·flying cows inc
                              bogishlav·ozone free
                               kaosmaster·ram jam
                             hogan·ladybird design
                           tracky·astra syntex^apathy
                            plastus·flying cows inc
                                scraby·old bulls
                              zefir·united artists
                              speed devil·giants^x
                              digital·phuture 303
                             pagan·flying cows inc
                               timi·dinx project
                              mount·polka brothers
                              self·flying cows inc
                              yoga·united artists
                             the king·erotic design
                              zibi·flying cows inc
                               mr.dasp·albion sa
                              elmek·erotic design
                             vasyl·ladybird design
                              cyclone·phuture 303
                            young-man·opium^sector 5
                               black dragon·Honoo
                               pila·erotic Design
                                 sabe·old bulls
                              misha·erotic design
                              norweg·beton design
                              carson·erotic design
               .m.e.l.o.n. / .m.y.s.t.i.c. ^ .n.a.h.-.k.o.l.o.r.
       .d.a.b.r.o.w.s.k.i.e.g.o. .8.7./.4. . .s.w.i.d.n.i.c.a.
     .o.n.l.y. .e.l.i.t.e. ^ .f.r.i.e.n.d.s.h.i.p. .m.a.i.l.t.r.a.d.i.n.g.
                 some messages from boobba/sector 5+azkberries
to: ace/union^friends zone
Kurde,  coô  mi  sië  zdaje  ûe poczta, bo to juû trochë trwa.  A jak nie to weú
kurde rusz dupë i napisz coô.
to: acid/dinx project^appendix^doggy style
chlip..  :(
to: action/anadune^nah-kolor
No  cóû,  szkoda,  ale  dobrze  ûe  jeszcze  ktoô  pamiëta  o takim zwyczaju jak
odesîanie dysku.
to: angus/genetic
pc-grupka  powiadasz?  No moûe i cool, zresztâ Twoje modki teû sâ coraz bardziej
cool, wiesz?  Ale za to mógîbyô ciutkë szybciej pisaê :)
to: assassin/the guardians
Mam  od  Ciebie  (nareszcie) kasencjë, trochë juû sië uspokoiîeô..  Ale ûe pc-ta
kupiîeô..  to lamer z Ciebie.
to: atom/sector5
Od  Ciebie  teû  juû dîugo listka nie ma!  Te paneliki to 8 Ohms to byîy w sumie
spoczko, ale i tak soon bëdâ nowe :) Ale pisz fastem!
to: blaze/floppy^nah-kolor
Heh,  miejmy  nadziejë  ze  z tymi listkami sië sprawa ustatkuje i wsio wróci do
normy :) Bo Ty takie fajne listki piszesz..
to: blunt/talent^grasshopper developments^smellon design^black sista!
Hmm,  did  'Coolio'  bored you so much?  Anyway yer new handle cool too..  I saw
sum azk-colly from yours, it was quite good :)
to: budgie/venal^friends zone^world fantasies^doggy style
Dziëki  za kontakt.  Fajne te Twoje azki nawet.  A co tam z DOGGY STYLE?  Miejmy
nadziejë ûe jeszcze bardziej podwyûszycie quality i zawojujecie ôwiat :)
to: cook/define
No  mówiîeô  niby  ûe  teraz  moûe  byê  slow  ale nie myôlaîem ûe aû tak :) Ale
spoczko, ty zresztâ chyba masz maturkë w tym roku eh?  Good luck!
to: ctp/mawi^link124
Wasze  azki  coraz  lepsze a i grupa sië rozwija w szypkim tëpie, powodzenia.  A
jak Ci sië widzâ nasze new collies?  :)
to: czarny/skulls
Spoczko,  jak  tajmu  starczy  to  trochë  potîumaczë :), ale na razie to delaja
robisz, anyway pisz jak sië pierwszy numerek BAMBO ukarze.
to: danthy/nexus
Hi!  :) Szkoda ûe odszedîeô, a przede wszystkim to chujowo ûe sië tak to wszysko
skoïczyîo  :(,  ale  najbardziej  mnie údziwiîo, ûe wybraîeô takâ grupkë zamiast
ST5.  No comment.
to: def/floppy
Zamiast siedzieê na internecie caly czas to mogîbyô wreszcie odpisaê eh?  :)
to: digger/iris
27  baniek  powiadasz?  No, oby tak dalej to moûe bëdzie 30 :) Ale tak powaûnie,
to z deka przeginasz.  Mailtrading rzondzi i tak.
to: drf/venal
Wiesz,  oprócz  kodowania  to  byô  mógî  od  czasu  do czasu coô napisaê, ot na
przyklad listki do starych znajomków :)
to: emer/stage diving club
Fire  zdechîo,  chujowo ûe (chyba) ode mnie sië tego dowiadujesz, bo mogli by Ci
koledzy coô napisaê.  Anyway te Twoje ostatnie modki sâ cool, i wogóle fajnie ze
chcesz caly czas ze mnâ swapiê :)
to: explorer/sector5
Pewnie  tego  nigdy nie przeczytasz.  Studia sux, szczególnie ûe w chacie wogóle
nie  bywasz,  bo  dzwonie  i  dzwonië  a  tu  nic, od czasu do czasu mógîbyô coô
napisaê, i to nie tylko do grupy bo wkoïcu swaperem jesteô conie?  eh..  ;(
to: farmer/?
Dziëki za kontakt.
to: feeloopek/flying cows inc.
A  Ty  po Intelu sië chyba na mnie obraziîeô, eh?  Ale chyba wiesz ûe ja zbytnio
na obrazki nie swapië, zresztâ daîem Ci odp.  adresik i nie wiem w czym problem,
jeôli Ci aû tak zaleûy.  Anyway, pisz fastem :)
to: flapjack/appendix
Podesîaîem  Ci  ten modulik co chciaîeô, tylko ûeby tak nie wyszîo ûe pójdzie on
bez wiedzy MTC..  :) Ale napisaê to byô coô mógî czyû nie..
to: franc/dark team
Z woja to Ty soon powinieneô sië juû wydostaê, to weú pisz szybko :)
to: gosciak/ex.status ok.
pc sux!  :)
to: gulp/azkberries
greetz to Ôlepy :)
to: guma/ambrosia^amnesty^cosmic woodheads^u'race
Witaj Gumak :) Niby preferujesz taki fast answer, a tu delajek.  Ale tez nie mam
pewnoôci,  czy  to nie poczta, kurde takie dojebane znacze od Ciebie sâ, a wiesz
ûe u mnie to nie zawsze przejdzie :(
to: harrow/?
to: hellraiser/fucking united network
Hmm,  i  heard  you droped swapping or?  Watta pity, but why didn't send my disx
back.   Or maybe it's not true?  Anyway i don't have anything from you for about
10 months :(
to: iceman/sector5
Jak  tam, kujesz chyba bo coô nie piszesz.  Ale jeôli masz czas na kafejkë, to i
na  listy teû byô czasu znalazî, przynajmniej do grupy.  Uprzejmië proszë o list
to: jim/sector5
Witka   w   grupce!   :),  Iceman  nie  pisze,  ale  prawdopodobnie  jednak  oba
przypuszczenia  sâ  nieprawdziwe,  poczta  raczej  nie,  maturka  owszem, ale na
kafejkë internetowâ to czas ma :)
to: kalreg/?
Zlamerzyîes  centralnie  kupujâc  peceta, a ûe dyska nie odesîaîes to juz wogóle
przegiecie.  Ûegnam.
to: ko$mi/dinx project
No  kurde,  mógîbyô  coô napisaê eh?  Wiem wiem, robota, praca, i na swap nie ma
czasu,  ale  jednak od tajmu do tajmu coô by sie przydaîo, a ja nie mam nic ok 4
miechów :(
to: korball/dinx project^apathy^amnesty^azkberries
Kolejny  panoczek  z  maturâ na karku, który juû to przypadek?  ;), ale kuj kuj,
moûe w tym roku bëdzie lepiej :), good luck!
to: lfo/phuture303
Hey  mate,  what's up with you eh?  I haven't read a word from you since august.
Or maybe you drop swaping or sth?..  Pity :(
to: madel/rave network overscan
Fajnie  sië  gadaîo, jak na pierwszy raz, szkoda ze mi wczeôniej nie przyszîo do
gîowy  coby  zadryngaê.  Do makowca dzwonilem, soon sië odezwe (poczta..:( ), to
ci wiëcej napiszë.
to: marco/sadist
Podejrzanie  dîugo  nie  mam  od Ciebie lista, bo przewaûnie to byîo jednak duûo
szybciej, a teraz to juû 2 miechy.  Pisz fastem!
to: melon/nah-kolor^mystic
Kurwa,  za  kaûdym razem jak przedryngam sîyszë to samo:  list za dwa ty godnie,
to zaczyna byê nudne :) Rób klawierkë i odpisuj wreszcie.  A kiedy Paradise?
to: miko63/?
Heard  you're  kicked out from Iris, lost contact..  the same with you and me, i
don't have any sign of life, since august, oh man..  write soon :)
to: mtc/ex.erotic design
qj do maturki :) aha, kurwa masz moje pîytki!
to: norman/anadune
Mógîbyô wreszcie coô napisac :)
to: noxis/pride
Dziëki za kontakt.  Ofcoze moûemy poswapiê.
to: phaser/phuture303
Phuture303?   heh,  ale kurwa nie bëdë wiëcej pisaî, po prostu - czekam na lista
od sierpnia.
to: pila/?
Szkoda  ûe  nie  pamiëtasz  o  takim zwyczaju ûe jak sië rzuca swap to sië dyski
odsyîa :(
to: ping pong/phuture303
Patrz wyûej, tyle ûe od czerwa czekam :)
to: prince/?
Szkoda  ûe  odeszîeô  ze  sceny,  i ûe wogóle Ci sie nie chce juû listkow pisaê.
Wpadnij kiedyô na jakieô party.
to: q-man/sector5
Sîyszaîem  ze  zawiesiîeô na jakiô czas dziaîalnoôê, tylko nie pam¡ëtam dlaczego
:) Sprëû sië i naspisz coô.
to: qba/nah-kolor
Szkoda,  ale mógîbyô coô napisaê, czy juû koniec, czy moûe chcesz dalej na modki
swapiê?  Moze soon przedryngam.
to: qix/flying cows inc.
Heh, odpisaî byô wreszcie :)
to: raptor/sector5
Sprawa  8  Ohms  sië  rozkrëca,  cool.   A Plastica to ôcisnij koniecznie na dwa
dyskacze.  Write soon!
to: revisq/anadune^floppy
Pecet  powiadasz?   A  ja  mówië ûe Amiga rules i chuj.  Ale jeôli ma to wpîynâc
pozytywnie  na  Twojâ  twórczoôê  to  why  not.  Anyway mam nadziejë ûe coô soon
napiszesz :)
to: skrapi/sector5
Kurde, zamiast tylko muzykowaê to mógîbyô ew.  cos od czasu do czasu napisaê eh?
Zadryngam i zjebië Cië zaraz!  :)
to: slender/?
to: splatterhead/scoopex
New group again, eh, or maybe an old one.  But you could write sumthing a little
more often ok?  :)
to: steel/?
Zlamerzyîeô i tyle :( Jakoô nie chce mi sië do Ciebie pisaê..
to: tft/rave network overscan
Army  sux  i  know!   :).  But when it comes to our common production..  well,
it's  not  so simple because of Iceman's school finishing exams and such stuff..
to: the specialist/?
Oh  man, you don't have to much contacts and you're so slow :), your letters are
very nice i know, but they could be little more often, couldn't they?
to: the trendy dealer/ram jam
Heard  you  drop swapping.  Will you ever come back.  Pity, if you won't..  Hope
to read you again somewhen :)
to: thunder/scoopex
Pity,  that you're less active these days, but it doesn't matter as your letters
are so nice :) Write soon my friend!
to: timer/appendix
Cos chyba kashana wyszîa z tych dysków w fs0, soon powinienem cos sendnâê.  Bâdú
cierpliwy :) A kiedy Bigoz eh?  :)))
to: the founder/scum^u'race
Dziëki  za  wszystkie  logosy,  mam  nadzieje  ze  zaraz  jak  ORGAZM wyjdzie to
przyliczë sumfing od Ciebie.  A tak wogóle to mam do ciebie biznes..
to: uhu/freezers
Jak  ostatnio  z Tobâ gadaîem to miaîeô chyba fastem odpisaê, a tu co?  Heh, ale
przynajmniaj problem grupy masz z grzywki, eheh..  :)
to: vasyl/sector5
Paneliki w Plasticu sâ cool!  Wogóle to czekam na list!  :)
to: vega/ram jam
Oh, i know last time i sent with an awful delay, and i guess now it came on your
turn eh?  Write something soon!
to: wild/rektum^phase truce
Hi  Adam!   Twoje  modki  sâ coraz lepsze wiesz?  XTDa nie sîyszalem nic od CHUJ
czasu, ale spoko mozesz coô podesîaê, chëtnie posîucham co on teraz rzeúbi..
to: yappi/?
Mówisz ûe to Ty na listek czekasz?  Eh, tylko jakoô nie chce mi sië pisaê :(
                         -= sorry for all forgotten.. =-
                         some messages from hawk/giants
Howdy all you out there.  If you don't already have contact with me then send me
a  letter  or  a  e-mail.  I'm available for you who wants to join Giants, swapp
fast  and  friendly, want to swapp vhs, want to support theese productions:  The
Night  Train,  Brain Damage, Eurocharts, Feedback, Implant, Fastidium and others
with  your  news,  adverts,  articles, clipart, modules, chiptunes, intros, used
condoms,  ash  or  whatever...  Also pop in on #amigaswe, #amigascne, #amielite,
#amigano  and  #giants  for some live chats with me.  AND REMEMBER NOT TO USE MY
that  one for more then a month now, use instead because
that  one is working perfecly.  Also if you have sent me any mail the last month
to  this  one  I'm  afraid that it's been redirected to the faulty one so if you
'aint gotten a answer on your e-mail, I've not received it!  :(
Annoyed  that  all  your contacts are getting modems and are becoming traders or
interneters  instead  of  full-time  swappers?   Then  write  to  me!  I've been
interneting and trading for several years now and I'm STILL a full-time swapper!
As long as there are more swappers out there then me I'll keep on swapping.
Abo ( Independent ).
Hoppar  av scenen?  Vilka fasoner grabben, vill miss you.  Ta hand om frugan och
barnen polarn.
Ace of Session.
Long  time  no  letter.  :( Busy moving to the new place or what?  Write soon my
Action of Anadune.
Sorry to hear that you've dropped swapping my friend, I'll send you a e-mail.
Allanon of Depth.
Det ar grymt roligt med irc men satt igan och svara pa mitt kontaktbrev istallet
for att spendera hela dagarna online.
Amadeus of Level 7.
Well  mate,  got some of yar wanteds so if you want to start swapping again just
send me a letter my friend.
Ant of Three little elks.
Jahapp,  inte  mycket  swapping nu inte.  Sluta lata dig pa irc och borja swappa
igen istallet grabben.  Cs pa natt party.  Vilket ska du pa, Icing eller Remedy?
Badboy of Giants.
Jahapp,  nu  har  man  modem  som  alla andra notter.  Har du fatt nagra av mina
e-mail  eller  kranglar  algonet  fortfarande?  :/ Jaja, sa gar det nar man inte
lyder mina rad.  Jag ar THE best vettu.  :)
Badger of P303.
Hmmm, long time no reply to my contactletter.  :(
Black Dragon of Honoo^LED.
Well,  what  do  you  think  about thoose pictures of Teri Hatcher?  :P~ Deus ex
machina  is  on  it's  way mate, great organisation in LED or what?  :/ Congratz
mate, your are rising FAST on my list of GREAT contacts, keep up the good work.
Blaze of Floppy Design^Nah Kolor.
Yeah,  your  own  pack.   Congratz my friend, everyone else make sure to get the
latest  issue  of Speed!  With Blaze as main editor, how can it go wrong?  Hmmm,
saw  issue  25  of Speed on the net but did not download it because I know there
will  be  a  letter  from you in my mailbox soon.  Speed, Friendship and the new
issue of Speed, what more do you need?  :)
Blunt of Grasshopper^Smellon.
Thankee  for the reply mate, no SIH this year either.  :( Why don't come over to
Sweden for the Icing or Remedy instead?  :)
Braindead of TRSI.
Long time no letter.  :( Write soon or e-mail me my friend.
Carp of Phuture303^Strobe^Friends Zone.
Nice  sendings  as always from you Steven my friend, keep up the good work.  Oh,
BTW,  thoose  aliens  that  abducted me returned me to earth only because I told
them where they could find you...  They are probably behind you right now!
Chriz of Apathy^Element.
Long time no letter.  :( Not heard from you since august, Wizard is also waiting
for  his  movie.   Pleeaze  send  'coz he's complaining day and night.  Dropping
swapping just because it takes time to be a sysop?  Bummer.  :~(
Coma of Three little elks.
Smask,  sitter och lyssnar på dina moduler som vanligt har...  :) Det borjar bli
daxx  for  ett  par  skogens  djur  till  tycker  jag.  Nasta demo fran de galna
algarna,  nar kommer det???  VillhaVillhaVillha!  Man far ju nastan abstinens pa
grund  av 3LEbrist!  Vilka partys i sommar ska du aka pa da?  Icing eller Remedy
blir  det  for  mig+att  vi antagligen ger SCC en chans i ar oxo.  :) Det kan ju
inte garna bli mindre folk an forra aret eller hur?  :)
Cook of Erotic Design.
Thankee  for  the  letter, but where is the next one?  Nothing from you since 13
Dec 1996.
Cope of Depth^Giants.
Hmmm, the last two letters from you looked Veeeeeeeery alike IMHO, write soon my
Det ar jag pa bilden...  Vill du ga med nu?  :) hehe, cs pa irc.
Decoy of Passion^Puzzle.
Having a great time and the swedish army in the same sentence?  I think you have
made  a  misstake  somewhere my friend.  :) But I think I can manage to get away
without  to many problems.  So my swapping and visits to irc will be as frequent
as before, see you around my friend.
Long time no letter.  :( Nice to chat with you on IRC but letters are nice to so
send soon my friend.
Drac of Ambrosia.
The  mad  sweden  is back in action again, that letter from you have not arrived
yet.  :~(
Draw of Ambrosia^Amnesty.
Looking  forward  to Fasidium so make it quick and mail it to me as soon as it's
ready  or  sooner.   ;)  Of course I'll become a spreader for it, I'll spread so
many  votes  that  you'll  drown  in the votes!  :) Keep thoose nice letters and
great sending comming.
Thankee  for  the contactletter, I can hardly wait for the next letter from you.
So what do you think about Blair?  Who should have won, him or Major?  Lemmeknow
what you think.
Hmmm, har inte hort av dig pa ett tag.  Hamnade du i fangelse eller vad star pa?
Skriv snart polarn.
Excel of Balance.
Irc really rules my friend, I'll see you there.
Felix of Kinky^Massive.
Long time no letter.  :( Stop 'anging around at irc and telnet bbs's and send me
a  letter  instead.   I  can  manage  school, internet, trading and swapping you
know...  :)
Long time no letter.  :( Write soon my friend.
Firestarter of Instinct.
Hade  du  inte  hort  talas  om Mars Attacks!, maste vara nagot fel i kongariket
Norge...   :)  Vet  du  vad man kallar en norsk med en svensk flagga?  ....  Ett
expriment med artificiell inteligens!  :D LOL, ROFL osv...  :)
Frame of C-lous.
Long time no letter.  :( Skriv snart o gor fardigt No Sense 3!!!!
General Lee of Eltech.
Looooooooooooooooooooooooong  time  no  letter.  :( Sluta slappa pa IRC o skicka
lite brev istallet!
Gizmoduck of Depth.
No  car, no The Party.  :( Suxx!  Thankee for the Eurocharts my friend, hurry up
with  the  next issue and send soon!  Hmmm, nothing from you since december 1996
my friend, what's up?
Sitter  inlast  pa datorteket eller vad star pa?  Har varken hort fran dig eller
Dwangi  pa  bra  lange.  Horde att du hade dragit fran scenen...  :( You will be
missed my friend.
Growl of Apathy.
Back  from  the  dead again, you'd better get yourself a extra amiga 'coz of the
rate  you  manage  to  destroy or sell them.  ;) Hmmm, a delay again?  What's up
this time?  A alien stole your amiga?  ;) A rabid dog ate you mouse?  Mulder and
Scully blasted it to pieces in a fierce gunfight with CIA agents?  ;) Write soon
my friend!
Irc  ar ballt, skaffa dig ett modem sa kan du spamma mig med e-mail istallet for
att ringa lokalsamtal med freephone som bara avbryter for reklam stup i kvarten!
ex. Jura of Redline.
Thankee  for  the  letter.   Sorry  to hear that you left the scene, hope you'll
manage to have fun without the scene.  Byebye!
Kaosmaster of RamJam.
Hmmm,  interesting  disscussions  going on in your letters ehhh?  Send soon so I
can read/write a few more comments.  Hmmm, trouble, trouble, trouble in Ram Jam.
Perhaps you'd better take me in so I can fix it for you?  :) Hehe, hurry up with
issue  5  and  6 of Showtime my friend, kick the coders sorry yellow but's until
it's finished.
Keldon of Giants.
Mannen  som  vill att Wizard ska arbeta roven av sig for NightTrain ehh?  Jozzez
vad  han  klagar  over  det.   ;)  Du  far  nog  lugna  dig lite misstanker jag.
Hehehe....  O inget brev fran dig pa lange polarn...  :( Vad star pa?  Vart blir
det  for  dig  i  sommar da?  Icing antar jag eftersom det ar ganska nara dig...
Det  lutar  mest at Remedy men Icing brukar vara battre sa det kanske blir Icing
istallet,  vem  vet?   SCC far nog en chans i ar igen oxo, det kan ju inte garna
bli mindre folk iaf...  :)
Korball of Apathy^Dinx.
Thankee for the phonecall all the way from Poland, it was really cool talking to
you.   I  must admit though that I was a bit confused when there was a foreigner
when  I  picked up the phone.  :) I heard Strife was green with envy because you
said  I spoke english better then him.  :) Sweden always beats Norway, just look
at ESC!  ;) hehe...
Lithium of Gods.
Reading  a  LOT  by  Stephen  Donaldson  at the moment, plowed through the first
cronicles  of  Tomas  Covenant  and  Mordants  need.  Just started on the second
chronicles  of  Tomas  Covenant.   They  are  a  bit  strange  but  really  good
nonetheless.   I'm  going  to work this summer for a change so I'll probably buy
myself a new monitor when I get some cash.  :)
Amylife suxx ehh?  Write soon my friend.
Melon of FCI^Mystic.
Long time no letter...  :( Write soon my friend.
Melfis of Cider.
Hmmm,  forstar  inte  varfor du inte far svenska tecken i WB men det jag ABSOLUT
inte forstar ar varfor det betyder att du maste skriva breven pa engelska!?  Det
ar  ju  bara  att kora med aao istallet for massa svenska tecken, presix som jag
gor i den har mezzfilen.
Millennium of Aliens^Giants.
Inget  brev fran dig sedan SCC, satsar du på att bli kickad eller?  Orbit o Nork
vill  oxo  ha  brev  ifrån dig snarast sa det ar bast att du satter lite fart nu
Mj of Massive.
Hope  to  get  Monument  from you soon my friend, have phun doing it, but try to
avoid the delays my friend...
Morkeleb of Giants.
You  will be missed my friend, always saddening to see one turn to the dark side
( PeZe ) but you!  Oh well, enjoy your PeZe.
Mr.X of Apathy^Giants.
Hmmm,  there  is  a  small chance that I might go to Kindergarden in Norway this
summer  but  the  most  likely is that I'll go to the Summer Computer Conference
here in Sweden instead.  We'll see what happends when that time comes.
Nork of Massive^Network^Osmose.
Hmmm,  long  time  no letter.  Hmmm, if you see this can you at least send me an
e-mail because I lost your e-mail advert!
Orbit of Giants.
Det  blir  lite  e-mail fram och tillbaka om man sager sa, hur hinner du med att
vara  sa  mycket  online  med  ett Ultra64 o massa spel i huset samtidigt som du
jabbar  hart  med coden till alla vara kommande produktioner?  For du jobbar val
hart eller hur?  :)
Orhan of Giants.
O  du sitter med Pixel3D Pro hela dagarna eller?  Dyk upp pa irc snart och/eller
skriv ett brev tillbaka.
Paperboy of Mobile^Simplex.
Long time no letter, write soon my friend.
Point of Apathy.
Langa,  stiliga brev som vanligt fran dig.  Du ar i toppen pa min lista over bra
kontakter for tillfallet sa keep up the EXCELENT work my friend.  Har Dock varit
en liten delay nu ett tag...  Inte bra detta.  :(
Punisher of Instinct^EMS Design^Rape.
Johopp,  nar  far  man se Punsh Pak o Norgetoppen da?  Joe det ar trist med folk
som  lamnar  swappingen  helt  for att bli traders, jag kor med bada tva och det
fungerar  utmarkt tycker jag.  Jag lyckas fortfarande fa ivag breven dagen efter
att jag far dem for det mesta och det ar val inget fel pa mina brev hoppas jag?
Ranz of Megaunit ( c64 ).
Har  du gjort nagra stiliga bilder pa amiga annu da?  Det e bara att kora hart o
kla  alla andra grafiker pa scenen vettu.  Phew, AmiTech var roande, var du dar?
Massor  med roliga saker att titta pa och dromma om.  Kopte mig en 8x CdRom, FPU
och har nu aven skaffat mig ett 33k6 modem oxo, det rular stort!
Receiver of Limited Edition.
Hmmm,  no  The party for me this year either, my father had to use his car after
all.  Hell, it's only -17 degrees, he could have used his mc.  ;) Hmmm, a little
delay from you again my friend.  :~(
Rolex of Apathy.
Hmmm,  lite  delay nu igen...  :( Hur gar det med Mindworks?  O bara for att det
ar  skitkul  med  irc  sa  behover man inte sluta swappa, ryck upp dig och borja
skriva brev igen annars blir jag ledsen.  :~(
Rokdazone of Artwork.
Arghh!   I'm  still  a perfect nut who should not be allowed out on the streets.
My shrinks say there's nothing they can do about it either.  :)
Rooster of Sunshine Productions.
Lang  tid,  inget  brev.   :(  Skriv  snart  polarn.  Nar kommer nasta demo fran
SunShine  da?   Har  inte vatt nagot sedan November Light vad jag vet, sa sparka
lite fart pa era coders, grafiker o musiker och slang ihop ett.
Schindler of Craze^Depth.
Jahopp,  nagot  nytt  fran  Craze  pa  G  da?   Det  borjar  bli  daxx att slita
playstationpaddan ur roven och borja skriva lite brev nu tycker jag.  Missar dig
hela tiden pa irc oxo.  :( Jaja, borja skriv lite brev och skicka nu grabben.
Celtic of Ax!s^Jetset^Divas^Smellon^Black Sista^900 and more.
Hehe,  nice  tape.   I  dunno  what  was best, the babes or the raytraced stuff.
Fucking  (  :)  )  great  all  of it anyway!  Hehe, well I'll copy the stuff you
wanted and send it as soon as possible.
Spin Dizzy of Giants.
Har  du  skaffat dig fastram annu?  Fattar inte hur du klarar dig utan faktiskt.
Jag skulle inte overleva utan mina 16Mb fastram.
Splatterhead of Scoopex.
Hehe,  burning  cd's  all  day long or?  Your Nam and Jam Cd's looks nice I must
confess.   :P~  I  just  got myself a Cd so now we can start swapping the little
suckers.  I 'aint got a CdBurner yet though but after the summer perhaps...
Strife of Apathy.
Hmmm,  sluta  hanga  pa  irc  eller  vad  du  nu  gor och borja skriva lite brev
istallet.   Delay  ar inget roliga.  :~( Vet du vad man ska gora om man vill att
en norrmans ogon ska lysa?  ...  Lys in i orat med en ficklampa!  :) Hehehe, jag
ar hemsk...  :)
Styles of S2^Void.
Having  phun on the canals or?  No letter from you for a while now.  :( Sent you
a e-mail or two as well, got them or?  Send soon my friend.
Sublet of Giants.
Irc rulez man but put Asm-One to use and make a real killer demo so we can crush
the competition at Kindergarden, Icing, Remedy and SCC in the summer.  :)
Subtopia of Massive.
Valdigt lang tid, inget brev.  :( Skriv fortare an fortast polarn.
Syntax of Ambrosia.
And you still won't give me all your sources?  How wierd?  :) hehe, irc rules!
Swoop of Rebels.
Inget Tp eller Tg for min del...  Det blir val att man far satsa pa alla parties
har  i  Sverige  i  sommar.  Icing eller Remedy+SCC blir det nog iaf om man inte
skippar  SCC  for  att aka pa Kindergarden i norge istallet.  Man far val se vad
som hander, tarningen ar inte kastad annu.
Amitech var ballare an ballast, fatt tornet annu?  Ligger Area 51 uppe pa heltid
nu eller ar det bara deltid fortfarande?  Jaja, ha det sa bra.
Tft of Rave Network Organization.
Started  swapping  again  as you said or?  Hope to hear from you soon my friend,
have phun.
The Specialist.
Long time no letter.  :( Write soon my friend.
Thrym of Massive.
Graphics  to our games are always more then welcome my friend, e-mail Wizard for
the  exact  specifications  on  what  we  need.   Keep thoose letters comming my
Tracky of Apathy^Astra syntex.
Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong  time  no  letter.   :( Write REAL soon my lazy
norwegian friend or else I'll walk to The Gathering so I can beat you up with my
toaster.  ;)
Vega of RamJam.
A little delay from you as well my friend, busy with Showtime and Ram Jam I hear
but six months?  :~(
Volcryn of Iris.
Yeah, Sprint rulez.  Have you read Halge the moose?  If not let me know and I'll
send my own translated edition if you want, it's simply the best comic ever!
Wildcat of Scania^Visage.
Hehe,  balla  C/C++ prylar polarn, du far gora ett helt demo i C/C++ vettu.  Ska
bli  kul  att  se, kanske inte pa o3o men o6o eller PPC iaf.  :P~ Lite delay har
oxo,  sedan  13  Dec 1996.  :~( Tycker vi inte om nej, plugga ar bara for mesar,
skriv lite brev istallet!  :)
Wiseguy of Giants.
Hmmm,  get  yourself  a  Telnet node so I can call more often my friend.  It's a
little  to  expensive  calling  to  Norway...   Or  else get yourself a internet
account so we can chatt on irc and spam eachother with e-mails.
Wizard of Giants.
O  du  sitter  i din lagenhet mitt i traskeboda nar en annan kan ga ut och satta
sig  i solen pa verandan med en kall ol och en bra bok utan att femtio miljarder
grannar  borjar  stirra  pa  en?   Daxx o flytta till varldsmetropolen Bittinge!
Skatteparadis o allt vettu.  :) Hur gar det med Top Gun?
Sorry  to  hear  that  you are leaving Giants my friend, stay kewl and have fun.
E-mail  is  comming  your way soon.  Millitaren varre an vad jag tror?  Tja, det
skulle inte forvana mig ett dugg.  :) Men jag tanker klara mig undan, det ar nog
inte sa svart ska du se.
Lois  &  Clark rulez mate, nice contactletter.  ;) But where is the reply to the
letter  I  sent  you?  If you e-mailed me again it's probably lost due to server
breakdown.   Only  use this e-mail, , because that's the
only one with a working server...
           some messages from guma/ambrosia+amnesty+cosmic woodheads
to: ace/union
czekam  na  twoj answer, mam nadzeje ze votke do fastidium odbijesz na ksero i
porozsylasz.  twoja z party mam.
to: acid/dinx project
mam nadzeje ze pomozesz troche przy fastidium?
to: angus/genetic
daj  luz  z  tymi  demami, pisz szybko.  dzieki za kartke, choc ja tam nic nie
to: bigman/vision soft.
jak tam sony?  masz kase na nowe giery?
to: blaze/floppy+nah
w sumie to friendship rulz, czyz nie?
to: boobba/sector 5
dzieki za azki, zawsze cos tam zrobie dla ciebie, jak mnie najdzie.
to: bubba/iris
moze kidys sie do ciebie wybiore, wiesz jak z kasa...
to: budgie/nexus
azki rulz!  list dostalem, ten twoj ostatni styl byl niezle zrob mi w nim pare
to: carp/strobe
answer, soon...
to: chriz/element
write soon, i'm waiting...
to: cie/rno
i hope, you'll use raze modules...  write soon.
to: coma/3le
thanks for answer and last elks productions, send me more your chips.
to: def/floppy
pisz soon i podeslij koniecznie ten programik...
to: digger/bucket
chyba nam list wjebalo, dostales dim'a?
to: drac/ambrosia^comic woodheads
post suxx forever!
to: flapjack/appendix
pisz wkrotce...  dostales list?
to: hangman/comic woodheads
punk forever, pisze szybko...
to: hardfire/intense
standard letters suxx forever!
to: hawk/giants
i'm waiting for your answer, do you have my a last letter in the home?
to: insert/amnesty
zgubilem twoj adres i nie moge napisac.
to: jacool/moze sie zdecydujemy?
eee...   bedzie  robota z tym skanerem...  szelest wyjdzie soon...  dostaniesz
niedlugo papiery...
to: jim
dzieki za kontakt
to: korball/dinx project
pisz szybko, albo zadzwon...
to: madel/rno
dzieki za nowe produkcje twojej grupy.  odpisze niedlugo.
to: majkel/venture
kurwa czekam na twoj answer.
to: marc/syndrome
thanks for modules.  you composed gr8 modules, do you can't believe?
to: marco/sadist
dzieki za kontak
to: melfis/cider
Always long and always friendly letters from you, thanks, answer soon.
to: melon/nah
pisz czasami...
to: mj/iris
i'm waiting for answer.
to: mr.uhu/freezers
kurwa czekam na ten answer...  mialo byc szybko.
to: norman/anadune
znow jeblo?  pisz!!!
to: point/apathy
your azki are cool, wrie soon!
to: punisher
thanks for contact, friendship rulz.
to: punk/head
i'm waiting for answer.
to: qix/fci
kurwa, na party nie byles, nie piszesz, dobrze sie czujesz?
to: raptor/sector 5
masz moj list, pisz soon.
to: raze/cw
cosmix rulz forever...  friendship too...
to: the ripper/artwork
write soon, i hope you'll send support to fastidium.
to: sagrael/mystic
sluszales, ze rzuciles scene?
to: styles/void
write soon.
to: swoop/rebels
i'm wiating for answer.
to: the founder/u'race
czekam na boopsi two...
to: the hooligan/frs
to: answer soon.
to: thrym/ginats
write soon, i'm waiting.
to: timer/apx
dlaczego nie piszesz?
to: wolf
sorry, dyski soon odesle.
to: zounds/fci
flying zounds rulz...  write soon my friend.
                         some messages from DIGGER/IRIS
Nie piszesz tyle juû czasu, ûe szkoda gadaê :( Ûyjesz jeszcze?!?
Modem rooolz ;) hehe...  tylko trza nie wariowaê i n¡e siedzieê po 4-5 godzin na
necie przy miëdzymiastówce...  heh...
Od ciebie teû nie mam znaku ûycia...  pisz soon!
Hi  my  friend!   He,  he...   Our  letters are short, but it's not matter...  i
A  co ty teraz porabiasz to nie mam pojëcia...  Wprawdzie spotkaîem cië na ircu,
ale nie pamiëtam ûebyô coô mówiî o rzuceniu swappingu...
I  jak  tam  SYSopie?   hehe...   zajebiôcie  jest  byô opem takiego zajebistego
boardu...  Szkoda, ûe nie jestem milionerem (hehe..  mówië o nowych zîotych :)),
bo bym sobie troszq do ciebie podryndaî ;)
Hi!   hehe...   jak  tam  speed?!?   Jeszcze nie odechciaîo ci ôië go wydawaê ;)
czekam na new issue - i nie zapomnij o wrzuceniu moich advertów!  Thx!
Hmmm...    jakiô tam   list  od  ciebie  dostaîem..   i  chyba  nawet  na  niego
odpowiedziaîem, ale naprawdë nie wiem kto teraz powinien pisaê - czy ty, czy ja?
Hmm...  Jakby coô to pisz soon.
Khul,  ûe  tak  szybko  piszesz  ;)  Ale  ja  i tak nie nadâûam - hehe...  Co do
wyrenderowania loga - hmm...  i tak jestem w tym cienki, ale moûe coô fajnego mi
sië uda rendernâê..
Heh..   Sorki  za  delaye...   khull  piszesz  listy na kartce...  tylko pleez -
wiecej piców ;)
Wîaônie  niedawno  dostaîem  od  ciebie  lista...   Hmm..   soon odpiszë, bo jak
wszystkim piszë - postanawiam troszq wziâôê sië za swpping...  za wczeônie jest,
aby to rzuciê w kât...
Khull,  ûe mnie joinëîeô do Iris'u...  Wîaônie postanowiîem, ûe zacznë swappowaê
tak  jak  kiedyô..   czyli  lepiej  ;).   Teraz Digger z mocâ swappowania o 100%
wiëkszâ ;) A odnoônie strony internetowej...  spox..  juû niedîugo coô bëdë mógî
zdziaîaê,  bo  mam  nadziejë,  ûe  odblokujâ mi starzy phone po tym jak zaîoûyli
server  w  Ciechanowie  ;)  hehe...   Zresztâ przegiëîem  z  modemem i cóû...  A
odnoônie  bebsa - niby jest otwarty, ale niestety musiaîbym mieê jak dryndaê, co
by  bebsa supportowaê, bo na poczâtku trza ludzi przyciâgnâê czymô...  A pozatym
to pisz wkrótce, bo teraz twoja kolej ;) hehe..
Nawet niezîe ascii zaczëîeô robiê...  nie zapomnij o logach dla mnie..
I've  got next letter from you and i'm going answer soon...  Did you buy pc?  Or
meybe not yet?  Rememba:  PC SUXX :)
Little  handle  change?   Last  was little more iteresting ;) heheh...  Anyway i
can't remember your new handle, so for me you will be always Coolio ;) hehe (ex.
HEhe...   co  tam  sîychaê na polskiej Pc scenie?  Jeszcze nie padîa?  ;) hehe..
ûartujë..   uwaûam,  ûe  na PC jest za maîo ludzi z motywacjâ...  i jest beee ;)
Ale to jest moja osobista opinia ;)
Khull,  ûe  napisaîeô...  Khull ûe zrobileô mi logo...  khull, ûe zrobisz mi ich
wiëcej ;) hehe.  I w ogóle wszystko khull :).
Patrz msg do duster'a, ricka, rufless'a...  itd.  hehe..
Jeszcze ûyjesz?  ;) Masz pozdrowienia od Morpha...  hehe..  JEôli bëdziesz robiî
jakieô colly  zrób  pleez dla mnie jakieô loga!  oki?  (digger i poison bbs).  A
tak  w  ogóle  sîyszaîem  z  pewnych nie potwierdzonych úródeî, ûe nosiîeô sië z
zamiarem kupna Pc..  Juû to zrobiîeô?  Czy dopiero zrobisz?  ;) Byîoby suxx!
Floppy  rule!   hehe...   a  tak  cië  prosiîem o te papadeo2 na samego fasta...
beeee..  do tej pory nie piszesz...
Thanks for coool contact!  I'm gonna write soon!
Hmmm...   ty  jeszcze  ûyjesz?   Jakoô  nie  mogë sobie przypomnieê kiedy miaîem
ostatni raz lista od ciebie...
EEEeee...    nastëpny  delayowiec...   wprawdzie  nie  jesteô  rekordzistâ,  ale
juû bëdzie parë îadnych miesiëcy (a moûe prawie rok?).
Witam w wielkim gronie moich delayowców ;)
Syf  suxx..   dobrze,  ûe  wylazîeô...   thx za lista...  wîaônie bym odpisaî do
ciebie,  tylko  znów  wcieîo  mi  gdzieô  adres  do  ciebie..   hehe..  znów ten
problem...  moûe go gdzieô znajdë..  ale wâtpië.
Podobno polazîeô do syfu (czyt.  woja).  Jeôli nie to odpisz wkoïcu.
Thanks  for answer.  Anyway i sent second letter to you and I didn't get answer.
Write soon!
Big delay from you!  Write soon or die :) hehe...
Cóû za oryginalny handle.  hehe...  Zajebiste, dlaczego ja sam na to nie wpadîem
;) A pozatym pisz, bo w chuja czasu juû nie widziîem listu od ciebie!
IRC  rules ale ostatnie rachunki mnie dobiîy..  aaa...  chyba ty przekazaîeô mój
kontakt komuô...  ale nie wiem nawet komu..  hehe..  ktoô do mnie pisaî, ale nie
pamiëtam ;)
Hmmm...   odpisaîem  ci  i  to  nawet  baaaardzo szybko, a ty mi piszesz, ûe nie
dostaîeô  answer  lettera...   hmmm...  póki co wysîaîem coô do ciebie..  jak to
nie dojdzie to idë rozpierd.  pocztë u siebie, bo mnie juû zaczyna wkurwiaê.
Caîkiem  juû odszedîeô ze sceny, czy jeszcze nie?  A pozatym co sië staîo, ûe na
e-maile nie odpowiadaîeô?
Co  tam  sîychaê?   Ja  to  bym  tego kumpla co ma modemik czëôciej odwiedzaî ;)
hehe...   A  tak  na  powaûnie,  to zlikwiduj sobie kotno na hotmailu i zaîóû na
polboxie (
Sorry  for  small  support of votes to night train, I dropped swapping for about
5-6 month...  But now i'm going to be more active...
Khull,  ûe  napisaîeô...   juû  sam  nie  wiem  czy ci odpisaîem..  jeôli nie to
fkrutce tu uczynië ;)
hmm...   Dinx  Project  jest  caîkiem  caîkiem..   tylko  sîyszaîem, ûe Osterowi
sië juû  Amiga  znudziîa  i  coô mówiî o kupnie Pc...  Nie byîoby zbyt ciekawie,
gdyby to zrobiî :( A tak w ogóle jak studia?
Napisaîeô  do  mnie troszq czasu temu, nawet parë sendów posîaliômy do siebie, a
teraz cisza...  czekam...  na list...
Khull, ûe juû napisaîeô po tym dîuuuugim delayu...  Odnoônie joiningu to sam nie
wiem...  Troszq dîugo sië zastanawiam, ale daj mi jeszcze troszq czasu ;)
Heh...   jak  tam  ZYZ:)opie?  mail trading suxx!  hehe...  ale cóû.  narazie to
mnie musi zadowoliê, bo muszë poopîacaê stare rechunki za phone ;(
Hehh...  Chyba mam twojego lista na chacie i nawet niedîugo odpiszë..
Zmieniaîeô te  grupy, tak ûe sië troszq pogubiîem..  Czyûby teraz bîo Nah Kolor?
Moûe coô jeszcze?  hmm..  nie pamietam...  A tak w ogóle to pisz, bo chyba lista
nie mam juû sporo czasu od ciebie..
Nastëpny delayowiec...
Heh..  szkoda gadaê...  jeôli nie chcesz ze mnâ mieê nic wspólnego, to napisz mi
o tym..  Bo narazie tak to wyglâda...
Hello  my da best foreign friend!  I sent next letter to you and I wait for next
long letta :)...
Sîyszaîem,  ûe  PC  kupiîeô...   a  nieîadnie  tak!  Zobaczymy jak ci sië bëdzie
podobaê PC scena..  bo jak dla mnie to jest ona taka zajebista, ûe szkoda gadaê!
(hehe...)  pamiëtasz  Delirium'96...   spotkaliômy  sië tam...   ale  czadowe PC
party...  lepiej nie mówiê ;) hehe..
I  sow  somewhere  text that you dropped swapping...  you could write to me that
you did this.
Patrz msg do Mixa, Endera, Dustera...  etc :)
Chyba caîkiem niedawno dostaîem od ciebie list..  Odnoônie tego, ûe dziwczyny to
nie  wszystko  to  chodziîo  mi  o  coô innego  niû tylko o to jak zaspokoiê sië
seksualnie ;) hehe..  n¡ë bëdë w messach w to wnikaî ;)
Parë listów od ciebie juû chyba dostaîem, ale teraz jakaô cisza...  jeôli chcesz
to pisz, bo teraz napewno twoja kolej!
Khull, ûe pozwoliîeô uûyê twego pica w tym nëdznym (hehe...) PC demie.  Demo nie
byîo zîe..  tylko grupa maîo jeszcze znana, a pozatym viruale (engine'y 3d) byîy
projektowane w 3d studio w przeciâgu dwóch dni, tak wiëc biorâc pod uwagë, ûe PC
to  toporny  sprzët  to  nie wyszîy one najlepiej ;) hehehe..  ale demo nie byîo
takie zîe ;)
Kolejny  delayarz...   heh...   ostatni  kontakt  z tobâ miaîem na IO3..  i to w
dodatku konakt kilku sekundwy ;) hehe.
Za Page Streama 3.2 i Turbo Printa 5 nie musisz dziëkowaê ;) hhehe...
Grrrr...   nastëny  delayarz...   fuck...   pisz,  bo naprawdë sië za listami od
ciebie stëskniîem...  hehe..
Da  fastest  mój kontakt...  hehe...  szkoda, ûe tak szybko piszesz, bo dla mnie
to jest stanowczo za szybko ;) hehe...
Thx  za kontakt!  Ale pisz, bo teû mi robisz delaya..  a ja tak bardzo chcë znów
sië  wziâôê  za swapping na powaûnie..  hehe...  nawet te messy napisaîem, bo od
czasu do czasu wypada coô takiego napisaê ;)
Ty to juû tak dawno nie piszesz, ûe lepiej nie mówiê...
Hmm...  od ciebie lista teû juû nie miaîem sporo czasu...  pisz fkrutce :)
HHHHmmmmm....  patrz jeden msg wyûej ;)
Szkoda,  ûe  rzuciîeô  mail  trading...   teraz  w  Polsce jest tak maîo dobrych
swapperów, ûe szkoda gadaê...  :(
Ja  zaraz  szaîu  dostanë...   pewnie  ponad  poîowa  moich kontaktów robi takie
delaye, ûe szok...  zgadnij do której poîowy ty sië zaliczasz ;) hehe...
Witam...   i  jak?   juû  zupeînie  wyjebaîeô  wkât  swappowanie?   Nawet z tymi
kontaktami  co  pozostawiîeô?   szkoda,  bo  nawet khull sië do ciebie pisaîo...
zresztâ czekam na list..
I jak?  Juû sië znudziîo tobie i bratu swappowanie?  Bleeee...  szkoda...  Jakby
coô to pisz!
Jak  tam  stary koniowale ;) hehe..  ûartujë..  ale pisaê to mógîbyô czëôciej ;)
hehe..   A  i  ascii  dla  mnie  mógîbyô teû robiê jak proszë...  Tak pozatym to
Ty  teû  pewn¡e  nie swappujesz juû...  ponoê chodziîeô na IO3 (hehe..  niedawno
sië dopiero  o  tym dowiedziaîem) i coô wywieszaîeô, ûe chcesz Amigë sprzedaê...
n¡e  wiem  czy  to  jest prawda, ale juû coô dîugo nie piszesz (ile to juû?  póî
roku?  a moûe rok?).
To  ûe  rozwiâzaîeô Bucket, to chyba nie znaczy, ûe musisz zerwaê odrazu kontakt
ze  mnâ...   A  pozatym  to sië upominam o moje mapy pamiëci, bo sâ mi cholernie
potrzebne  (heh...   zaczëîem  pod  systemem kodowaê, bo spis rejestrów miaîem w
innej  ksiâûce,  ale  opisów  funkcji  bibliotek  to  mam tylko troszq w róûnych
gazetach...).   Tak  wiëc pleez sendnij mi te ksiâûki...  chyba, ûe postanowiîeô
mi je zajebaê...  chociaû nie sâdzë...
Internet  rule..   Ale niestety zaszalaîem na miëdzymiastówce i mi sië troszq to
odbiîo  niekorzystnie...   chociaû niedîugo  powinienem  mieê  dostëp do netu to
chociaû sobi e-maile popiszemy ;)
Big delay from you too...  I know you have no time, but please - write soon!
EEEeee...  straciîem nadzieje na to, ûe ujrzë kiedy kolwiek list od ciebie...
                                tOMASz jANKOWSKi
                               mLODZIEZOWa 14/19
                                 09-100 pLONSk
                        rEMEMBa : aNSWEr iS gUARANTEEd!
                   some messages from pestilence/independent
I am still looking for new contacts.  Write to me or I'll write to YOU!
Let me begin...:
From:	Pestilence
To:	Blackfire/Nexus
Co do ciëûkiej dupy z tym twoim pakiem?  Wysîaîem ci juû tyle jpegów, ûe starczy
ci  ich na caîâ dekadë...  Pochlamy na Intelu, o ile znowu sië nie upalisz i pod
warunkiem, ûe ja sië zjawië...
From:	Pestilence
To:	Blaze/Floppy^Nah-Kolor
Wrzuê ten plik do spida, a reszte pewnie masz w liôcie...
From:	Pestilence
To:	Chavez/ChaosBros
I sent a letta to you in February.  What's wrong with you?  Send soon!
From:	Pestilence
To:	Clever/independent
Chociaû ciebie nie muszë poganiaê z pisaniem.  Zjawisz sië na Intelu?
From:	Pestilence
To:	Coma/3LittleElks
I  have  received  'package'  from you some hours ago.  Monkey should fit on six
disks,  but  I'll send them for some days.  A little delay.  I have to copy this
game  from  friend,  becoz I deleted it (lack of free space!).  I'll send it for
From:	Pestilence
To:	Def/Floppy
Co  z  tobâ?   Senda  wysîaîem  z  miesiâc temu.  Na rh rozmawialiômy i byîo ok.
Czyûbyô sië rozmyôliî???  (Znaczków nie fejkowaîem wiëc to chyba nie poczta...)
From:	Pestilence
To:	Draw/Ambrosia
Wysyîam do ciebie coô tam.  Odpiszesz?
From:	Pestilence
To:	Electrip/Opium
I  sent  a  letta  to  you  in  February.  I am still waiting.  Demo of Opium at
RushHours was poor...
From:	Pestilence
To:	Growl/Apathy
I  have  decided  to  recontact  you.   I'll send letter tomorrow.  Last time in
envelope were five disks.  Did you receive them?
From:	Pestilence
To:	Jarecky/Themselves
Z  tobâ  to  ja sië kurwa jeszcze policzë!!!  Ok, dostaîeô paczkë?  Wysyîaîem jâ
juû  dawno,  a  wîaôciwie  to  bardzo  dawno, bo z miesiâc temu.  Nie ûartuj, ûe
poczta zajebaîa...
From:	Pestilence
To:	Korball/DinxProject^Amnesty
Skoro  matury mijajâ to moûesz sië braê za odpisywanie.  Jak tam poszîo.  Pewnie
z angola bedebe?  Czekam...
From:	Pestilence
To:	Majkel/Venture
Nie warto byîo...
From:	Pestilence
To:	Meecash/Thefect
Nie  zrób  kolejnego  delaya,  bo  jak  zajadë  do  tego twojego Konina, to.....
zagramy  w  RPG.  Spotkamy sië na Intelu (o ile bëdë, bo ty to chyba sië zjawisz
musowo).  Szkoda, ûe nie pochlamy...
From:	Pestilence
To:	MisterNo/ABS
Korball said, that you have holiday, or something.  Last time I waited for three
months...   Did  you  receive  a send?  It should arrived in April.  There was a
filled votesheet for P&R.  BTW.  Send me issue 4.
From:	Pestilence
To:	Mokry/independent
O  projekcie  nadal  nic  nie  sîychaê i chyba z tego jak na razie nici.  Moûe w
From:	Pestilence
To:	Palmer/independent
Coô ruszyîo z gazetâ?  Bo na razie to nie chce mi sië nic pisaê.  Jak bëdzie coô
wiadomo to daj znaê.
from:	Pestilence
To:	Raxon/
I'll try to contacting you?  Are you agree for it?  I am waiting...
No more messages.  Your handle might be there...
                     delays list from curt cool/depth+k!nky
Of  course  this  list  only contains people who just stopped sending to me, not
someone who I know for a fact has quit swapping.
Timer/Appendix                           (5 months)
Electr!p/Opium                           (5 months)
Blockhead/Grotesticle                    (???)
ADN/Honoo                                (5 months)
Denis/Excess                             (???)
Dynio/Suspect                            (???)
IRO/Rave Network Overscan                (1 year 4 months)
Fugazi/Giants                            (10 months)
Mr. King/TRSI                            (1 year 4 months )
The Trendy Dealer/Ram Jam                (1 year)
Maze/Eltech^Massive                      (1 year)
Einstein/Craze                           (1 year)
C-Tank/                                  (9 months)
Ravana/Centolos                          (9 months)
Draw/Ambrosia                            (9 months)
Scraby/Old Bulls                         (1 year)
David Tesarik                            (9 months)
Minor/Independent                        (???)
Noodle/Haujobb                           (4 months)
LFO/Phuture 303                          (4 months)
Mystra/Ram Jam                           (4 months)
The Heavyweight/Broken                   (4 months)
Frame/C-Lous                             (4 months)
POW/Sunshine Productions                 (4 months)
Case78/Scoopex                           (4 months)
Chriz/Element^Apathy                     (4 months)
Raze/Ambrosia^Cosmic Woodheads           (5 months)
Dr. Death/Eltech                         (5 months)
Rolex/Apathy                             (5 months)
Fenriz/Cider                             (3 months)
If  you  happen  to  know  any  of these guys, tell me what happened, give me an
E-Mail adress to write to, or ask them to write to me immediately!
       ________   _____      ______  ________  _______ ____/__|__  _____
    ___\  __  /___\_   \____|     /__\_     /__\_    /_\ _______/__\  _/____
    \     ./       /    /   |    /    /____/   _/   /   \/    |    _\      /
                         - s - e - c - t - i - o - n -
                              send your adverts to
                                   polna 63/5
                                 21-2oo parczew
                disk back with the latest issue of = S P @ @ D =
   ______ __  _________ _____  _________   ________________________________:_
  |          /    _    \\__  )/   __    \                                  |
  | cDr/m's /     /       (__     ./     \        · qBA / nAH-kOLOR ·     _|
  |________ \_____\ ______________|______/ _______________________________\
  contact me ONLY for tekno/trance/acid/jungle/house/ambient modules swapping:
             qba / nah-kolor, ul.chopina 4, 12-100 szczytno, poland
                           please no normal swapping
          i got lessons to bring up, you oughta receive'em!  i'll have
          a  sip for the better times, here comes the paradise - kinda
          magic dice... keep dreaming! that's watcha do when you roll!
     ___________        ___________     __________
 ___|   __  __  |______|  _______  |___|  ______  |______    ___ __  _   _ _
 _    ,-\_\/_/-. ______ .-)  ___/ _______ )    | ______  |__|  ____  .___.
  :   |   \/   |-\___ (-|    (/ |-)  ___/-|    | )    | ______ )__  \|   |
  .   |__  /   |   ____ .___    |   --'   |   /__|    |-\___ (-|         |
  :      \/    |_  \-'  |  /____|___      |__    \   /__  ____ |___/     |
  |      /_____|/_______|   ____   /______| /_____\     \ \-'  |  /______|
  |   _ ___ _____ _________|    |_______________   /_____\_____|  ______ ___ _
                                                |_____ __ __ ____|
My  Amiga  has  been  burnt due for a fire accident in our house.  Therefore I'm
more or less out of the scene having just a Pentium150.  If you still want to be
in  touch  with  me (also new contacts wanted), please use MSDOS formatted disks
only.  Do not send me any executables!  Use LHA and ZIP only (modules, pictures,
TXT  files).   PC WARES HIGHLY PREFERED!  If you haven't receive a reply from me
for a long time, please send me a postcard with your address because I have lost
the  archive  along  with my harddisk...  Greetings to everyone I know!  You can
also send me *.ADF files executabled by UAE emulator
        Marek Zavodnik, Pod Chrastkou 310, 783 57 TRSICE, Czech Republic
  ______  __/\__  ____ ___ ______________
 _\  __/__\____/__\_ ( )  Y  ___  ___ __/_
 \__ l   _Y   _Y   - _Y  .l  _Y¬  _Y\__   \_
 ||      \__  \__    \__ |   \__  \__ ¬  __/    ________________________________
 |`-------^----^------^--^----^----^------'|   _____  /   / __// / /   /   / / /
 |             Hawk of Giants              |     / / / /_/ // / / / / / /_/ /_/
 |            ----------------             |    /   /   / //_/_/ / / /   /   /
 |             Niklas Jonsson              |   /_/_/_/ /_//_____/___/_/ /_/_/
 |                Bittinge                 |  ------/_/--- artwork --/_/---
 |            715 92 St.Mellosa            |
 |                 Sweden                  |    For legal reasons write to..
 |                                         |   ------------------------------
 |         |         Trasher of Artwork
 |                                         |         Oliver Plink
 | 2 Join and 4 friendly,fast,aga,ecs,vhs, |         Bricciusweg 3
 | swapping. Also for supporting Implant,  |         89079 Ulm
 | The Night Train, Feedback, Brain Damage,|         Germany
 | Eurocharts and lot's of others as well. |
` -----------------------------------÷noB÷-'
                       - fOr fASt aNd fRENDLy sWAPPINg -
  ^   :    ____    ___ ___    ______             : KaosMaster oF DarkAge
  |   _____\_ /_ __\  /  /_ __\  __/ -------------    Scozzari Franco
  |         /   \_   /_    \_    \___ DarkAge!     Via risorgimento 13/B    
  |   ___________/____(_____/_______/      1·9·9·7   90040 CAPACI (PA) 
  |   |                            /______________       I T A L Y
  ·----------------------------------------------------------------- - - - ->  
           - 100% Reply to Long Letter writers - 50% to Begginners -
               ! fOr sUPPORTINg PLANET and fOR tHe lATESt iSSUe !
        18 Gigs of demo scene stuff.  The biggest collection available!
                       !!  hIGH dENSITY dISK sWAPPING  !!
    ^  f O r   a B N O R M A l   s W A P P I N g   a C T I V I T I E s   ^ }
    ________ ___  ___ ________ ________ ________ ________ ___/\___ ________
   _\_ ___ /_\_ \/ _/_\_ ____/_\_ ____/_\_ __ _/_\_ ____/_\__  __/_\_ ___ /_
  For some fast Swapping or for supporting pSYCHO pACK write a nice letter 2:
     Drac/Ambrosia             Respectz: Draw, Raze, Raivo, Syntax, Dweeb,
     Jan Knudsen                         Cyboman, Sunscream, Celtic,  Lfo,
     Diverhøjvej 5                       Haahr,  Coolio, Skize,  Receiver,
     8570 Trustrup                       Scraby, Tft, Gangsta, Hotstepper,
     Denmark                             Decoy, Vega, Crusader, Mr.King...
  .--- -________ ______      ____ -.
  | ____\_     //  __  \ ___|    | |
  | \    /    /    ./      _|    | |        ------------------------------
  |/____/______\___|_______\.    | |         - Natural Born Asciiartist -
  `---------------- -cDr/m's|____|-'        ------------------------------
                                             CRUSADER / SESSION / MO'SOUL
   anjia / nah-kolor                                 janne kotta
   anna zaniewska                                   arbygatan  1a
   ul.nauczycielska 15/34                         63345  eskilstuna
   12-100 szczytno                                     Sweden
                                             Big hellos to these FRIENDS!
              lucha / nah-kolor             ------------------------------
              karolina kowgier                Case78/Scoopex/C-lous/Head
              ul.nauczycielska 15/33            MarcRyder/Hord/Mo'soul
              12-100 szczytno                 Devistator/Eltech/Twisted!
              poland                        ------------------------------
                                                    I love you guys!
     only papers'n'loong letters            ------------------------------
              NO disks!
     _ ___ _|__ ____  ______ _______           /
    _//__//___//____//_____//______//__        /|
        ____|_____                         _____|____    ________
      __).       (__   __________        __).       (__  \      .(__
    __\________ ___/__ . ___    (____  __\________ ___/__   )______/___
      \_      _\\_   .\  )________  (__  \_      _\\_   .\_________   .\
      .             ___\  __          .\ .             ___\ .     (  ___\
     )_____________( ______/.        ___\ ____________( ____________(
            |             /_________(           |        ctp!/amf
            |               ___ _______ ______ _|___ ____ ___ ___
            |/  i· r· i· s·   //______//_____//____//___//__//__
         you can try to contact us writting to one of these addresses:
         ·darkhawk / iris·       ·bubba / iris·       ·volcryn / iris·
        ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
          christian hviid       jakub szatkowski        stian sollie    
         øsby nedergade 20       3 maja  43a/14          svanevn  5    
          6100  haderslev        09500 gostynin       3057 solbergelva
              denmark                poland               norway
            -join·swap-              -join-               -swap-
                                                       / ¬\  HS!  .__/\______.
                                                 _____/____\___   `-----.    '
  _________  _________    _________             _\   _________/____     ¦
  \     __ `--,      _`--/        _`--,      ---_)_______________  ¬\_---'
   \_    /  _/___   _/ _/___      /  /          ~~~~/_:.       \/   _/
  .:|    _]     |   \      |        /:.              `--------------'
  :'l___________l----\_____l_______/sLV      fOr fRIENDLy'N'cRAZy sWAPPiNg
                                                        wRITe tO
    supafast finnish mail/modemtrader
  -------------------------------------             iCEMAn  / sECTOr 5
     · bRAINDEAd/tRSI rECORDZ^HRMU ·                 dARIUSz pOKORSKi
      pL 82 · 02321 eSPOO · fINLAND               rYNEk kOSCIUSZKi 5/a/15
  -------------------------------------             15-091   bIALYSTOk
   100% reply. for pure elite swapping                    pOLAND
                                                100% aNSWEr tO dISKSENDERs.
           ________ ________ ____        ______ _______ ________     ______
      _____\_     //_      //    |_ ___.|     //   _   \\_     /____/     /
      \     /    /  /_____/      _/    ||          /    _/    /    /     /
     /_____/______\______________|_____/\     __________\__________\______\
    don't hesitate and contact us...                      also 4 join us...
    l e u n a m / n e t w o r k  &  n o r k / n t w ^ m s v ^ o s m ^ d k g
      manuel & abraham sanchez - leon xiii 5, 3c - 41009 sevilla - spain!
   three little elks.abyss.agoa.aliens.amiga circle.ambrosia.artwork.anadune
   analog.appendix.batman group.dinx project.axis.balance.bugs.c-lous.eltech
   capsule.centolos.chronique.corpse.darkness.depth.erotic design.psykotrope brain.giants.goblins
   gods.gore edition.saf
   llfb.massive.metro.mystic.myth.nah kolor.odrusba.old bulls.opium.sector 5
   osmose.ozone.planet core.phuture 303.redline.rektum.ram jam.sadist.strobe
   suicidal tendencies.trsi recordz.tsg.vajrayana.vental.void.x-zone.haujobb
                                            7- _-\7- __7- _ -7-   -7- 7 -7
        /\ /\B.D                            |  7  \  __)  7  |_  __|  _  |
       / // /\_  /\_  /\_  /\_              )- | -(-  -|- ___jT--T )- 7 -(
      / _  /\_ \/ _ \/\_ \/\_ \             |  j  /____j___T__l__j_|__|  |
     / // / // / // / // / // /             l____/____________________|__j
     \// /\_  /\// /\_  /\_  /A             |                            |
      / /___\/___\/___\/___\/__N            | FOR SWAPPING M O D U L E S |
      \_______________________ \D           |       c o n t a c t        |
       Contact me if you Like:\/\           )----------------------------(
       ---------------------- / /           |  *  C u r t   C o o l  *   |
     Long letters,Flyers,Nice/ /_           )----------------------------(
     paper Pics,Chewing Gums \___\          |      FRANK E. LARSEN       |
     ,Hot Stuffs & Surprise!!/ __/          |STOLPEGÅRDSVEJ 35, st mf th |
            Write to:       / _/_           |   2820 GENTOFTE, DENMARK   |
        - Black Dragon - of \    \          )----------------------------(
     Honoo & Limited Edition \/\_/          |Over 13000 modules available|
          Paul Pacheco       /\_ \          |To be sure to get an answer,|
        2 Av. Paul Brard    / // /          |send your big modlist&letter|
     78700 Conflans  France/____/           |_ ________________________ _|
                                            |_(the top is at the bottom)_|
          : :  ·D·I·G·I·T·A·L·  : :
         :.._____  __.         ..:              .
       ____|_   /_/  |____ ____:                .
       )   _/  (_)   ____/_)   |____         . .:.....MAGELLAN/ROYAL PC
     _/    |    \_   |-nM$!\_  |    \_          :                     :
    \\___________/__________/________//         .  Marek Zavodnik     .
           :                   :                   Pod Chrastkou 310  .
           : NEMES!S / DIGITAL :                .  783 57 TRSICE      .
           :                   :                   Czech Republic     :
           : 30 FARRIER CLOSE  :                .                     .
           : FATFIELD,WASHINGTON                .please use MSDOS for-:
           : TYNE AND WEAR     :                :matted disks only!!!.:.. .
           : NE38 8RW          :                                      :
           : UNITED KINGDOM    :   
         ..:                   :..                                    .
         : :    * EDITORS *    : :
                   ______.-\  |  /  _______                  __
                 .-\ _  ¬|    __ ¬|-\ ____/               ,øØØØØø,        o
            :____|   \___|_   |¬_ | __---'-.___________ _ Ø~____¬Ø ____: O
       o    |·   |_   |   /___| \ ¦  /  _  |              `(_)(_)'    ·|  ·
        ·   ·     /   |       `--\'_____/  |             __| `' |__    |
   .--   ___.___  ----'  · _______\/   `---' ___.     .·¯  `-¯¯-'  ¯·. ·
   |   .-\  |  /  _______:-\  _  /  ___    :-\ ¬| __oOO__ fREEZERs  _OOo___
   |   |    __ ¬|-\  _  /.    |  ¬|-\ ¬|   | __ |-\  ___/. _______.-\  _  /
   |   |_   |¬_ | __ |  ¬|_   | _ | __ |___|_\/_¦    \_ ¬|_\__   /.    | /¬|
   |    /___| \ ¦  / |   |/___· \ ¦  /_/  ¬|\/\/|_    /  |  __  /¬|_   |   |
   |        `--\'____·   |    `--\'_____   |    |/___·   |_ |/    |/___|   |
   |            \/   `---'        \/   `---|    :    `---'/____   |    `---'
   |                                       ·    .             `---'$Ð!
   |                          tHE hOOLIGAN/fREEZERS
   `--->   ø mIKKO vIRTANEN ø uRPUPOLKU 6A17 ø 15240 lAHTI ø fINLAND ø
           ___/\__    __/\__    __/\__     __/\__   .¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾. ___/\__
          _\___   \  _\_  _/_  _\ ___/__  _\ ___/__ ¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾ \__   /_
      .--|     \   \_        \_   \     \_   \      ¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾   /     \_-.
    .-|  |      \ .:/       .:/    \_  .:/    \_  . ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   \    .:/ |-.
    `-|:.l_________/|________/|_________/|_________ ¾¾¾       ____\____/.:|-'
      `---------------------------------------------`¾¾¾¾¾¾ ----------lm!-'
       :         for some friendly mail-trading you can write to:       :
       :                                                                :
       :                         digger/iris                            :
       :                         tomasz jankowski                       :
       :                         mlodziezowa 14/19                      :
       :                         09-100 plonsk                          :
       : 100% back guaranteed!   poland                                 :
                                               _________     .____.
                                            ___\       /_____|    | -ÐÅ!
    ___   ___   ______ __________  __       |   \     /_____ \  __|___
  ./  /_./  /_./   _  \.         \/  \.     |   \\   / \___   \ \__   \
  l___  l___  |_  _/   : sunshine     |     |----\__/---/______\ /KoLoR\
     /____ /___/  \____: productions  |
  ·-----------/ zZ   \----------------·     _/\_  melon/nah-kolor^mst
   |                                 |      \oo/   dabrowskiego 87/4
   |       rooster / sunshine        |             58-105 swidnica  _/\_
   |        Anders Lindqvist         |                 poland       \oo/
   |          Ängsvägen 16           |
   |        820 75 Harmånger         |      o n l y  p u r e  e l i t e !
   |             SWEDEN              |
   +---------------------------------+      hi:uhu.qix.qba.lazur. dreamer
   |     speed devil / sunshine      |      decoy.blaze.zefir.extend.klaf
   |       Morten Martinussen        |      noodle.tfounder.mount.pantera
   |        Sandsliveien 263         |
   |          5049 Sandsli           |      action.swoop.kazik.mike.magic
   |              NORGE              |
  ·-----------------------------------·     adonis.dan.def.monica.mercury
                                            muffler.bartman. billy.case78
                                            mr king.
                   ¦     .
             ______|___  | ____/\____    __________    ____._____
           ._)   _____(  |_)___  ___(__._)   __   (__._)   |    (__.
           |     \_|     |     \/      |     /       |     _       |

          - ------------------------------------------------------- -
           4 hIGh qUALITy mAILTRADINg tRy · dR SZACh of dINx pROJECt
          - ------------------------------------------------------- -
               mACIEj jAROSZKIEWICz · ul. zYGMUNTa sTAREGo 16/11
                         21-5OO bIALa pODLASKa · pOLANd
          - ------------------------------------------------------- -
              rAYTRACINg wAREz ^ hC/iNDUSTRIAl/tRANCe sTUFf oNLy!
          - ------------------------------------------------------- -
                  _______ ________ _____ _______ _________ ______
             _____\     //    _   \\  _//   _   \\   _   //     /_____
             \     \    \    ./       \     /        /         /     /
            /____________\   |________________________________________\
                                        i have a500!  so fuckin' what?
            only the pure swappin'
                                    JACOOL the independent
            also 4 latest SPEED     jacek olejnik,  piastów sl.1/69
            also 4 CANDY ASS        pl-47100 strzelce opolskie, poland
            feel free to write,  everyone will get the disks back...
       __                               ______ ___________ _________  ______
   _\\`  | april`97                     |____ V_____|____ V_____|  |  | ____|
  |  \  _____    ___      _____         |___ _|_____|___ _|_____|  |__\___ \_
  |    _\    \_ _\  |__  _\___ \__      |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
  |  _/  ____/ Y   ___/-Y   `/   (      |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
  ·  \_        |    |   |    ____/      l__|  |_____l_____A_____A_____l_____|
  aC!d(-.______|-.______|-.___|dGs      rC7l__l
  .      .
  |   \__| for joinig mawi posse:
  |__,\\                                           SwOOP/rEBElS
          ctp/mawi^link124                         ERiK SuNDBERG
            szeroka 35/8                          STRANDBERGSV.12
          75-814 koszalin                        6 1 1 37 NYKoPING
               poland                               S W E D E N
                                            .:: aLSO FOR MODuLE SWAP ::.
    old sceners, foreigners only            ·::  LoNG LEttER PLEASE  ::·
                                        _______        ______
                                 _______\_   _/_______/   _  \_-----.___
      SWAP OR DIE! '97           \_   _   \     | _   \__ ¬\__/  -. |   \____
                                  / ·. ¬\___)-)  : ¬\___) \_   \---' :    \_ |
    SPLATTERHEAD/SCOOPEX         /    ·. |   /`--'   |\_________/----:___+-¬ :
            PL 62               `--------'  `--------' ^p³p^             `---'
      FIN - 15141 LAHTI         pepson/·)pium
           FINLAND              piotr trochymiak     support "Poczytaj Mi
                                h.sawickiej  6/2      Mamo" with messys,
      ALSO 4 AMYCD SWAP         pl-22200 wlodawa     adverts,news and nice
                                poland                   chip tunes !!
     ________      ___________  _______  _________  __________  ___________
    |       /______\__       /__\_____/__\__     /__\  ____   \_\    __    |
  .-|      /\        /______/              /               \         \     |-.
  |:|______________________________________\      \________________________|:|
               __\                                            /______
           ____\_         w E I R D O / n E T W O R K               /
           \              m A I T I K A N K A T U   8               |
           |                 1 5 2 3 0   l A H T I                  |
           |                     f I N L A N D                   ___|
           |____         e-mAIL:           \  _
            _  /__________________________________________________\ \
                         MIDI aND sYNTH oWNERS wANTED!
                                                \|                      |/
                                                 |   · k i s m a t ·    |
           _     ___             bD!/dGs         |                      |
     `æµµµæP  _a°"Þ  _____   _____    ___       |   ______  ___        |
       ¯¯¯Æ_aøP¯ _ ___\ __/. _) ___)__.\  \  ____·___\_   /./ __|_ __   |
         JÑ@"              |/ \____  /|   \\/   /.\  _/    |   ___) /.  |
         Øm__              .      /   .    \/    |   \_    .    |    | _|
         F ¦#w_ _ ________|__________|____/     |____|____|_________| \.
        JL    ¬Mm                         /______|                      |
         b     ""                                |_   · a p a t h y ·   |
                      for da looose crazy swap:   /_____________________|
                   ·  kismat of apathy · krystiano idzikovski ·
               ·  morcinka 15/3 · 42612 tarnowskie gÓry · poland ·
                           · everybody get da answer · 
 ____________ ___  ___  ________\  ¬|___           protect the mailswapping
 \_  ___) .__) .¬\/ .¬\/ ._ \ ___)  |  /----.
 ||___ ¬\ ¦ ¬\ ¦  \ ¦  \ ¦__/ _)_/     \    !       blaze/floppy+nah-kolor
 !(___  /____/____/____/ |¬¦_____)__|   \   ¡             polna 63/5
 ¡   ¬\/              ¬\_|         ¬¦____\  |           21-200 parczew
 `--------------------------------------÷2F÷'               poland
  C a s e 7 8 / S c o o p e x  ^ C - l o u s    black dragon/honoo+limited ed.
           R e n e   R u m m e l                     2  avenue paul brard
  H u t s c h e n r e u t h e r k o l . 5         78700 conflans st honurine
            9 5 1 0 0   S e l b                             france
               G e r m a n y
                                                      back to the roots!
    dealer of latest ambrosia productions
    graffiti - hiphop - aerosol lifestyle       traditional/elite mailtrading!
      ... name it and you are my man
      /\______/\ _____/\______/\______/\______/\
 +---//____    /Y  ____/   __  /___ ___/  __/  /
 |   \//  \\  /    ___/    ___/  // \ /   __  /----------------------+
 |   _/   _/  \_  \\  \_ //   \_      \_ //   \_ Elite&Friendship    |
 |   \ ________/_______/__\____/_______/__\__ //        at:          |
 |    Y                                  ScR!\/  (Gizmoduck/Depth)   |
 |       ThE tOP is At tHe bOtToM !!!     |       Martin Leopold     |
 +---------------------+------------------+      Hvidkløvervej 26    |
                       | !DISK=ANSWER!             2400 Kbh. NV      |
                       |                              Denmark        |
        _ _____ .               . ______ _
       _________¦_____ _____  __¦___________      _ ________ _ ________
      /     _________/_____/__\____________/__    \\\_ ____/_\\\_     /___--.
     /   _________/   \       \              /          |    \       /    \ ¦
    /         \ -------/_______\  tF!/aZk!  /                 \_    /\     \_
   /___________\.·            \____________/      \______   .: /___      .: /
       _ _____ |:.. . fCi . ..:. ______ _         ¦ draw/_____/  /_________/¦
               `---------------'                  `-------------------------'
      i'M gOING bACK tHE sCENE, yEKkk!!!             raze/cosmic woodheads
                                                        thomas petersen
              QIX / FLYING COWS INC.                   nr.brogade 110 2th
                   PO BOX 128                             8900 randers
                75202 KOSZALIN 4                            denmark.
                                                      5 0 %   a n s w e r
                 ____    ___ ___    ______             
   _ _ _ __ _____\_ /_ __\  /  /_ __\  __/ -------------------
                  /   \_   /_    \_    \___       d A R K A G e     
            ___________/____(_____/_______/                     1·9·9·7
                                         /_______________________________ ___ _
               mODEM oF dARKAGE                   kAOSmASTER oF dARKAGE
                 pAOLO d'URSO                        fRANCO sCOZZARI
         vIA cACCIATORI dELLE aLPI 45             vIA rISORGIMENTO 13/B
            sPOLETO (PG) - 06049                    90040 CAPACI (PA)
                  I T A L Y                             I T A L Y 
    _____  ________   _____  ____  ______      _____ _______  _____     _____
    \  _/__)__ __  \_(___  \(____)(____  \ ____\_  /_  _   /_(___  \____\_  /_
   _/    __  / \____/   /   \_    \_  |   \_ __     /  ___/ /   /   \___ pa! /
   \________/ ___\  ____\____/_____/__|____/_______/_______/ ___\____/______/
   -  - --------------------------- -  --  - ---------------------------- -  -
   Get in touch with a premiere finnish mail/modem-trader. 0-5d wares for pure
   excitement. Also for modules, oldie goldie stuff, xx-rated jpeg, ware cd's,
   underground technotapes, homemade techno, hpacvd, vhs, flyers, stickers and
   everything else. 100% reply! Everyone is welcome! Just send some disks with
   latest ami/pc stuphv & nice letters. -
   -  - --------------------------- -  --  - ---------------------------- -  -
   X  X     BRAiNDEAD/TRSI RECORDS · POBOX 82 · 02321 ESPOO · FiNLAND     X  X
   -  - --------------------------- -  --  - ---------------------------- -  -
                 ____________ (_____   |
                |           (_____  |  | for high quality mail-trading
                ¦ _               | l__| you can write to:
                _(,)_  · iris ·   |                     _
               ( ·×· )      __    | ____      __     _,-'\
                ¯(`)¯     ,(-,\_  ·/   (__  ,(-,\_   ) __/__
                (\T/) , ,-\_¯_/(,-\\_____ )-\_¯_/(,-\\____ (, ,
                _¯T¯  \_\_  ¯   __¸  `-'  __¸ ¯   __¸   \)  ( (
                ·¯¯¬-  ( (_    _/(_ _T    \(_    _/(_      _/ /
            __  ¦          ¯¯¯¯   .¯ `-----\ ¯¯¯¯    ¯¯¯¯¯¯
           |  | l_____¸        °· |           ·Ac!D/dGs·
           |  |_____  )___________|
           |________)                    dIGGER/iRIS
                                         tOMASZ jANKOWSKI
                                         mLODZIEZOWA 14/19
                                         09-100 pLONSK
                   _ _
    _\__ \--------\//----------/ _ _____________________/_
      \   \  _\___            /                        /
       \   \   \  \  ___ /_  / he'z a drugz man...    /
        \   \   \(o\/o__/   /                        /
         \  (,_   (__)    _,)  and                  /
          \  /   ______    \                       /
            /   /           \  he'z a cool man... / aC!d/dGs
            \________ __  _ /  _____   ___       _____    _____
                     _\ \/ \_ _\    \_ \  \--._ _\___ \_ _\___ \__
              \    _/  \  _  Y ____   Y  \ \   Y _____  Y   `/   (
              _\__ \_   \/   |  `-'   |   \    |  `-'   |   _   _/
                \ .o(-.__|___|-.______|----\___|-.______|---)____\o.
    Revisq/Anadune^Floppy^Monar  | High quality ambient^jungle^detroit mods,
    Patryk Gegniewicz            | filemaster config file,protracker conifig
    J.Bytnara 15/38              | file,paleo-books (only in polish:) swapp.
    02645 Warsaw/Poland          | Also, modules for your production.
    (+48) 022 482891             | Plisss, no lame^new^stupid swappers , | hy, hy...
     ..Tiahuanaco ..
               _ _______________________________/_
                    m  y  s  t  i  c  ' 9 7   / :.
             ___  ___ _____       ____       /___.    ___     _____
           ./   \/   \\    \_____/ __(______/    |_ _(___)_ ./  __(____.
           |    \/    .\    \   /_____     /     _//       \|   \      |
           |____/     |        //___i/    /|     |__________|__________|
               /______|_______/     /____/ |_____|             tF!/u'R!
                                      __/____ _
                                      \/   c  o  n  t  a  c  t    u  s !
             melon / mystic          mike / mystic       xtd / mystic
             dabrowskiego 87/4       kapteeninte 4       gdanska 14/57
             58105 swidnica          20810 turku         84232 rumia
             poland                  finland             poland
                   - only  p u r e  elite -           - only  j o i n -
                                       .....       .....
    .........  ..........   .........  :::::...    :::::.....  .....  ....
   :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::       :::::  :::: :::::  ::::
    ......:::: :::::  ::::  ......:::: :::::  .... :::::  :::: :::::  ::::
   :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  ::::
   :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  ::::
   :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  :::: :::::  :::: `::::..::::
   `::::..:::: :::::..:::· `::::..:::: `::::..:::· [dWb]  :::: .....  ::::
               :::::                                           `::::..:::·
                      -   w E   d O N ' t   c A r E !   - 
                        For fast and friendly swapping:
           pOINt/aPATHy         Torgeir Amundsen        rOLEx/aPATHy
        Alexander Gustavsen       Glitregata 13         Thomas Vaags
           Gardkroken 4          3600  Kongsberg    Hulda Garborgs gate 33
            6150 Ørsta                                   2300 Hamar
          (Ascii, swap)         (hq, code, swap)       (music, swap)
                               - aLL iN nORWAy! -
                          _ ________  ______.______ _
              __________ _\\\_ ____/__\___  |    _///_ __  _____ _
            ._\  ______///___. \         |  |        /  _\/_  _///_
      .-- - |  \_________   ¬| _         |  !       /    \/       / - --.
      |     |     _    \/    |--\   ÷ÐÅ÷ |      ·  /    ¦/ ÷aZk÷ /      |
      ¦     `------\      - -|   \_______|------:-'     /_______/       ¦
      :             \________|                  l_______|               :
    iF yOu aRe lOOKINg fOr nEw fRIENDLy cONTAx... iF yOu aRe aSCIi mAKEr...
     yOu mUSt wRITe 2 mE! nO lAMERs aNd bEGINNERs! fOREIGNERs aRe wELCOMe!
      .                                                                 .
      :     .--------------------- -  -    aNd   dON't   fORGEt   to    :
      ¦     ¦ tHe fOUNDEr oF sCUm^u'R!     sUPPORt oRGAZm (tHe fIRSt    ¦
      ¦     `------------------- -         sEXy  mAGAZINe  iN pOLANd    ¦
      ¦           dARIUSz cIERPIAl         aNd  iN  tHe  wORLd)  aNd    ¦
      ¦           uL. bANKOWa 7/18         sTUFf pACk bY sKIZo!         ¦
      |.         42-29o  bLACHOWNIa                                    .|
      |.            -> pOLANd <-           gREETz tO aLl mY fRIENDs!   .|
      |:... .                                                     . ...:|
      \       _         _       /            /      _         _       /
       \______/         \______/    ________/\______/         \______/ 
           \_______________/_______\___/tFt      \_______________/
                fOr sUme rEal fRiendship mEdium sPeed sWapping
                               sKaarabrekka 11
                                4370 eGersund
                 kNown gRoups oR gRaphitie guys mOst wElcome.
    HS! __    ___ ___       ____ ___ ___ ___  ___       ___  ____ ___   __
       _\/_ __)   )--' )___ )--( )   )   )-__ )--) )--) )-__ )--( )__) _\/_
       \/\/ - ------------------------------------------------------ - \/\/
       NEW CONTACTS ALSO            PL 62             WANNA SWAP AMYCDS,
       LOST CONNECTION             FINLAND            RELIABLE SWAP SINCE '93
     _ _____                       __ ____
    _\\____¬\__ ________ ____ fM! | _/   /_/\______ _____ __/\______ __ _____
    |    /¬   /_\____  ¬V _ /___  | \_  /________ ¬V  _ /_________ ¬V \\____/
    |   /    /   _`-'   | \/_   |­|  ¬\   ¬\  `-'  |  \/   |   `-'  |     |
    `--/____/-----\_/---^---\___| `----\____\------^-------^--------^-----'
                                                ..n.a.h - k.o.l.o.r..
                       fell free and touch NAH-KOLOR now!
           blaze/nah-kolor       melon/nah-kolor       qba/nah-kolor
             polna 63/5   720           chopina 4
           21-200 parczew        58-105 swidnica       12-100 szytno
               poland                poland               poland
           support -speed-     support -paradise-  modules swapping only!
                      banzai to all our friends worldwide!
              __ _____________________________ _______________________
           .-/ / _   /  _____/_    ___/  /   /  __   / __    / _/    /
      .::::|/   /   / ___/__  /   / /  _/   /   \   /  \____/  _  __/|::::.
      ::   /___/___/_______/ /___/ /_______/_______/___/___\ __\   \ |   ::
      ::   `-lm!----.--------------------------------------.----\___\'   ::
      ::            |     s l o o d y  ^  n e t w o r k    |             ::
      ::            |     b e l l o n i   l a u r e n t    |             ::
      `:::::::::::::| 7, r u e   d e   r i s q u e w i h r |::::::::::::::'
                    |      6 8 2 0 0   m u l h o u s e     |
                    `----------»  f r a n c e  «-----------'
  __                                                                        __
  \/ f a s t  s w a p ^ r e a l  f r i e n d s h i p ^ 1 o o %  a n s w e r \/
                      ._   _________________________  _.
                      | \_) Support by UNRELEASED  (_/ |
                      |_  private virus collection!   _|
    ____   _____   ___|/    ___. ____ .____. _____-ÐÅ!\|___   _____   _____
 .__\   \./ _.  \./  _/____/   |_ ___)|    |/ _.  \.___\_  \_/ _   \./ _.  \.
 |  /____|  \|___|__._          /          |  \|___|    /      /____|  \|___|
 |     .__          |/  ._     |     _.    |      _____/    ._      ._      |
 |_____|  \_____________| \____|____/ |_____\ ____\   /_____|/______| \_____|
                      ·                                ·
                      |  for traditional mailtrading:  |
                      |                                |
                      |      p e s t i l e n c e       |
                      |        radek slomnicki         |
                      |      starzynskiego 8/31        |
                      |      42-227 czestochowa        |
                      |            poland              |
                      |                                |
                      |  back to the roots from oldie  |
                      |  c64 since 1993! 100% reply..  |
                     _|_  ___                    ___  _|_
                      |/__\  )__________________(  /__\|
  _________ ___  ____ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______ _________
 _\_ ____ /_\_ \/  _/_\_ _____/_\_ _____/_\_ ___ _/_\_ _____/_\____/_\_ ____ /_
  - --- ------------------------------------------------------------HS!- --- -
                          get in touch with ambrosia:
              RAZE                      GUMA                    DRAC
         thomas petersen           lukasz pieczara          jan knudsen
       nørrebrogade 110, 2th 8705           diverhøjvej 5
           8900 randers            91-494 lodz 87          8570 trustrup
             denmark.                  poland.                denmark.
                                                ______  _________________
                                              _/   _  )/   _  /   ______/
                                              \_  __ »\_  __ _\_____   \_
                                               |   |   |   |   |   |    |
             .p.u.z.z.l.e.                     |   |   |   !   |   !    |
      ···························              |   |   |       [r!t^RBS]|
      ·          decoy          ·              l___|   l___    l___     l
      ·                         ·                : l___|   \___|   \____|
      ·      dannni hansen      ·                :                    :
      ·valdemarsgade 13b st nr.1·                !    fOR fRIENDLY    !
      ·      dk-7100 vejle      ·                |    mODSWAPPING!    :
      ·         denmark         ·                :  (oWNmADE&oTHeRs)  !
      ·                         ·                |                    |
      ·   ·                :    jERRY^rEBELS    :
      ...........................                |  s0RE sKOGVEI 25a  |
            .p.a.s.s.i.o.n.                      : 5037 sOLHEIMSVIKEN !
                                                 |    n O R W A Y     |
                                                 !                    !
                                                 +mUSICIANS pREFERABLY+
                          . . . . . . . .
                          .             .
                    _ ____.__________   .
                        m  a  w  i          ______    //____ _
                      ___  ___   _______   _\     \.   ___.
                    ./   \/   \./   _   \./  \     |__(___|__.
                    |    \/    |    _    |   /\    |         |
                    |____/     |____/    |___/\____|_________|
                : ::::::/______|:::/_____|tF!/u'R!:::::::::::::: :
                          .             .
                          . . . . . . . .  in dust we trust
       have you got unbelievable contact? no? try new style of swapping:
        ctp/mawi hq            komar/mawi              mc.rudi/mawi
     tomasz wisniewski       krzysztof lysko          wojciech nowak
     ul. szeroka 35/8        ul. bema 2/12      ul. czerwonych klonow 5/2
      75-814 koszalin       78-440 czaplinek          33-101 tarnow
          poland                 poland                   poland
     also for getting hottest issues of SAVE DA VINYL and rest MAWI warez
             only true friendshippers. rest of you - suck our dick!
                                           In the firm belief that it is
                                        still possible to gain new contacts
                                         interested in some friendly, lazy 
           Patryk Gegniewicz            to send this advert to a wide range
            J.Bytnara 15/38             of more or less famous amiga scene
          02645 Warsaw/Poland             diskmagazines. This is what you
           (+48) 022 482891              have to do: Send a good letter to
    e-mail:        this adress, and expect an answer
    -----------------------------                  a while later:
    High quality ambient^elektrik
    modules swaping or filemaster       Frank E. Larsen, Stolpegrdsv. 35,st3
    configs file, audiomaster cfg              2820 Gentofte, Denmark
    file...  music for your demo,
       intro/pack/game... ect.              If you happen to be a module
    100% Answer, of koz ... .....          afficionado, modulist/composer,
    -----------------------------           interested in supporting the
                                        Eurochart, or just inventor of a new
                                         machine which will clean up my flat
                                            by itself, write me as well.
                                             _________   __________________
     ____________________________           /   _____/___                  Ì
    |                 _         /_         /___________  \     fOR fAST oR |
   ____ ___ ____ ____(_) ____  _____       dwb/___________\  fRIENDLY sWAP |
  _)__)(__/_)__)_)__)|_|(_()_)|_|/_/             ______           wRITE tO |
     _                                      _____\___  \   pOINT/aPATHY aT |
     /____________________________|        /__      /   \                  |
                                             /     /\    \    a· gUSTAVSEN |
           Candyman/Session                 /     //\_____\   gARDKROKEN 4 |
              Timo Kotta                   /______/           n-6150 øRSTA |
             Arbygatan 1A                   _____________           nORWAY |
           63345 Eskilstuna                /___________  \_                |
                Sweden                       /  ______/   /   rEPLY tO aLL |
                                            /____________/                 |
     Hellos to these nice groups:                 ______     aLSO zIP-sWAP |
  Balance.Axis.3 Little Elks.Artwork        ______\     \   aSCII oRDERING |
  Damage.Rebels.Gods.Passion.Stellar       /__   __\     \ sUPPORT iMPLANT |
  FlyingCows.NahKolor.Essence.RamJam         /   \________\   aND fEEDBACK |
  Sardonyx.Jewels.Mystic.Abyss.Bronx        /_________\   _________________j
           ._____________________________ _|_ ______________________.
           |            .___.              |                        |
    ______ |_____  _____|  _|___  _________·______  __________  ____| ______
  __\___  \_\  _ \/ _  /|  \___ \_\_ __   /_\____ \_\__  ____/ (____)_\___  \
  \   __   \_   \  /    |   __/  \_  _/ _/.    |   \_ /    \__/      \_ __   \_
   \________/____\/____/|_________/__\    |\________/_______/\________/_______/
           |                          \___|                         | draw
           |                                                        |
           |                 for happy mail-trading:                |
           |                                                        |
           |                     guma of ambrosia                   |
           |              8705                     |
           |                      91-494 lodz 87                    |
           |                          poland                        |
           |               _ ______          ______ _               |
           ¦_   _  _ _____///_____( ambrosia )_____\\\_____ _  _   _:
      ________    ________   ________    _______     ________    ____ ____
  . ._\      /_. _\  ____/. _\      /_. _\  ___/__. _\  __  /_. _\   \   /_. .
  ._/  __     .\_  ____/_____ __     .\______     \_    \     \_   __ \    \_.
  :\.  \        /  \        / \        /    /     ./     \    ./   \       ./:
  ::\\  \______/\______    /   \______/\______   //\______   //\____\     //::
      p3pson/op!um^butchers    .ace,agonyofpipi,astaroth,assassin,axe!,axen,
        Piotr Trochymiak       benton,blaze,budgie,delta,dj.dick,dj.m,clary,
        H.Sawickiej 6/2        ctp,dr.szach,dump,duster,dhorn,electrip,exor,
        22-200 Wîodawa         fizyk,k.k,gregory,gunner,ini,jacool,jim,kovy,
           Poland              krashan,leôniak,leunam,lopez,mixer,nork,paig,
   .. !! swapp maniac !! ..    snipe,steel,the  king,thorin,trash,young-man,
 ¡official spreader vote PMm¡  yappi,werbung,vox,zoltan,..!thenx 4 all guyz!
                      p  a  r  a  d  i  s  e
    _________      :                       ____.          ____
  ./        /_____ | _______   ____________)_  |   ___  ./ __(____________
  |    7   /  _   \|_\___   \ /  _   \     _/  | _(___)_|_____     /     /____
  |      _/   _    |   _(   /.   _    \    `   |/       /___i/    /  7__/    /
  |______\|___/    |___\_____|___/    |\_______|____________/____/__________/
             /_____|_____ _     /_____|                            tF!/u'R!
     support  to   :  p  a   r  a  d  i  s  e   a new production by nah-kolor!
                  melon/nah-kolor            blaze/nah-kolor
                  martin banasiak           patrick kalinowski
                 dabrowskiego 87/4              polna 63/5
                  58-105 swidnica             21-200 parczew
                      poland                      poland
                send  s u p p o r t  with your hq gfx^modules 
                         (max.100-200 kb! unpacked),
             votes,articles only of scene,adverts,messages,news,
                 invitations/results and raports with party.
                          ____     ____
          .______________¡_   |____\___\__         :
    ______|     \_  ____   \_ |    ________       -+-- -  -
    \     |      /     /    / |    \_\   \         | !happy mailtrading!
     \__________dwb________/__|___________\        :
    Coders, Musicians and Artists needed!!!        . jim/sector 5
                                                     wlodek kuzmowicz
    Contact Void at:   DT214 / Void                  ul. wodna 12
                       37 Hayfell Avenue             11100 lidzbark warm.
                       Heron Hill
                       Kendal                        poland
                       Cumbria, LA9 7JH                                  .
                       England, UK                   !answer guaranted!  :
    Don't let another scene group die!!                           -  - --+-
      ___________ _____ ______     ______     ____ ___     ____     ______
     _\  ____/__ Y ___/_\  _  \   _\  _ /_   _\   \  /_   _\__/_   _\    /_
    /    /___ /  |  \ /    \   \ /    \   \ /  _   \   \ /      \ /  ____  \
  _/         \_      \_     \   \_     \   \_   \       \_       \_  \      \_
  \    _______/_______/__________/__________/____\_______/________/___\      /
       d o  y o u  s e a r c h  a  d i f f e r e n t  m a g a z i n e  ?
   d o  y o u  w a n t  r e c e i v e  t h e  l a s t  DEFY  b y  CYDONIA  ?
                     d o n ' t  w o r r y  w r i t e  t o !
                  EUROPE:                           AUSTRALIA:
             Abraham Sanchez              P.O. Box 555       P.O. Box 16
             Leon XIII, 5-3C                BRIGHTON         PENDLE HILL
              41009 SEVILLA                 S.A 5048         N.S.W. 2148
                  SPAIN                    AUSTRALIA          AUSTRALIA
                     n e w   c o n t a c t s   n e e d e d   !
                          _ ______  ______________
                _______    ____   \_)   _______
             ___)  __  \  _)   \_____ _/ ____ (___      MADEL/RNO 
                  __/  (__\___  \_   Y   \_ /        MARCiN BEBNOWSkI
              _    \           \   _        /     _     LEKiNSKO 88
              \\____\     ._____\ (\) .__________//   97560 KLESZCZOW
                     \____|      \____|    _,             POLAND          
               r.N.o       _ _____________( \___$Ð!
                   n o   l a m e r s     n o    b e g i n n e r s
                                                    ....             ....
                                                    .Try the Iris WHQ   .
   ______  __/\__  ____ ___ ______________          .for hopefully      .
  _\  __/__\____/__\_ ( )  Y  ___  ___ __/_         .hot & friendly     .
  \__ l   _Y   _Y   - _Y  .l  _Y¬  _Y\__   \_        swapping..
  ||      \__  \__    \__ |   \__  \__ ¬  __/        I like AD&D, Techno 
  |`-------^----^------^--^----^----^------'|        and Marvel..
  | Hawk                  Amiga Since 1986! |
  | ---               Friendly Since Birth! |        Darkhawk/Iris
  | Niklas Jonsson            Fast As Hell! |        Osby Nedergade 20
  | Bittinge              Scene since 1989! |        6100 Haderslev
  | 715 92 St.Mellosa         VHS swapping! |        Denmark
  | Sweden                                  |
  |        |        . FRIENDSHIP RULEZ! .
  `-----------------------------------÷noB÷-'        .   100% reply to   .
                                                     .    long letters   .
                                                     ....             ....
                        ____________    .    ____________
                 _______)          /____|____\          (_______
     .___. ______\                /|    ¦    |\                /______
     |  _|___      _____       _______   ___ .     ___    ________    __ ____
     |  \___ \____/    /_______\___   \_/ _/______(___)__ \___    \ //_//___/
     |   __/  \_      /|   /_     /    /  \__   \.      //   /____//_
     |_________/____________/_________/     /____|__________________/draw
           .                    /__________/
         __·      i need'ed more and more contacts, now write to me:
        \/\. /                    budgie/venal!
           \/                    kamil kaczmarek
           |                   boh.warszawy  105/3
           ·                     72-200 nowogard
           .                         poland
           ·    you are foreigner, then write to me, reply for all.
  __/\___ __ _/\________/\______
  __    /_____   ___________    \
  /    /    /    __/__/    /    / - - -.
  \____    /_____    /_____    /_      |        ________        ________
  _._____ /________ /_______  /_/      |       _\_ ____/_ øØØø _\_ ____/_HS!
   |     \/        \/       \/         |      _)   \| .:(_ØØØØ_)   \| .:(_
   |                                   |    .-`-----\____/ °° `-----\____/-.
   |       - liMitED! eDitiON! -       |    `----------- - ØØ - -----------'
   |                                   |     Try some Grait Gfx-swap here:
   |    For FAST & REAL FRIENDSHIP     |
   |              Swapping:            |            Drac/Ambrosia
   |                                   |            Jan Knudsen
   |  BLACK DRAGON / LIMITED EDITION   |            Nr.Brogade 126
   |          PAUL PACHECO             |            8900 Randers
   |       2 AVENUE PAUL BRARD         |            Denmark
   |   78700 CONFLANS ST HONORINE      |
   |            FRANCE                 |
   |                                 __|
             ¦     ¦  r a v e   n e t w o r k   o v e r s c a n
             `-----`                    ._________ ___________ _
             .-----. __________ _______ |        /________   / /
             ¦    _¦_\_____   /     __ \!       /      ¬\/  /
             `---/   _____  _/___    ¬\ \      /_______    / -g!
             .--/    \          /______\      /.---.\_____/  __
             ¦  `--.--\________/-------.\____/ :   `--------_\/_ ---.
             `-----`                   `-------·------------\/\/ ---`
             .-----. is searching for some *ACTIVE* members, like
             ¦     ¦ coders, sysops, swappers and graphic artists!
                      contact Kure4Kancer for joining Rno
                                  venekatu 11
                                 33410 tampere
                                              ______  ____) ___/ _____.
                                              \____ \/ _______  \     |______
                   _____                      _/   \  /   \_ |   \_   |     /
  _______  _______ \___/ _______  _______     \_____\/_____/______/________/pa!
 /   |  ¬\/    _ ¬\/  ¬\/      ¬\/    _ ¬\AcE
/    :    \_   \   \_   \_   \.  \_   \   \_  For unbelievable long letters and
\_________ /____\__ /___ /_______ /____\__ /  some AGA stuff (030/50/6), contact
 ~~~~~~~~~/~~~~~~~~/~~~~/~~~~~~~~/~~~~~~~~/   this fast fellow, and he'll answer
                aCe oF uNIOn                  in the next few! days... :')
                pIOTREk cUCh
              uL.lOKIETKa 3d/5                LousY/Massive (not on envl.)
               59-225 cHOJNOw                 Jonas Santoso
                -> pOLANd <-                  Waisenhausstrasse 26
                                              4500 Solothurn
            · sUPPORt aBc pACk ·              Switzerland
      · kNOWn sCENe mANIACs pREFEREd ·
                                              Greets: Dafix, Moon, Felix, others
                      _(_)_    __________________
                     (_{_}_)--'                 /___________________ _
   if you looking fast (_)_____   ________   _ /   _____     __ __
   and friedly swapers   / .__ \  \_   .  \ / \   _\    \   /  /  \ dGs
   plase write to now:  /  | /  \ /   _|   \   \ /  \    \ /     _ \
                       /   |/    \    \____/    \    \    \   \_/   \  _
                   $Ð! \_________/_____|  \_____/_________/____|____/_(_)_
                             _____________/                         (_{_}_)
                                         /___________________________ (_)
        .pepson· piotr trochymiak·h.sawickiej 6/2·22-200 wîodawa·poland.
             .electrip·leif bilstad·teigen 32·4370 egersund·norway.
         .entrix·michal konieczko·wiejska 22-28/3·81-068 gdynia·poland.
                  _______         _)    \/  (_
                  \     (____     !          |
                 _ \    /   /.  ________     !        ·
                       /|    |__\___   /.________  _ _:_____
                       ¯¯         |/    |\_    _/.____|___ (
                 _ ___________    /              |\   ___/ / _
                        -nM$!/___________             \|
                                        /_________     \_
                                  ¡    __        /______/___ _
                                  |  ·\\//·  ¡
                   ¤ wANNA sWAP wITH fRIENDSHIP wITH wAREZ ¤
                               dT214 oF vOID wHQ
                               37 hAYFELL aVENUE
                                   hERON hILL
                                    lA9 7JH
              __                          ____ _____   _________   ____
             / ¬\  HS!  .__/\______    :./.   \   _/  /. ______/  /.  /_   .:
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  ---_)_______________  ¬\_---'        |\_____\______/___________/__________/
     ~~~~/_:.       \/   _/            `------» w     o     r     k «----lm!'
                                                for coding contact,
     cONTACt dA fRIENDLy gUy...                 write to this addy:
    bOOBBa/sECTOr5^aZKBERRIEs!                     WIND/NETWORK
           mACIEk rEKOSz                          Antonio Vargas
           mONIUSZKi 8/1                            Relator 67
           114oo kETRZYn                          41003  Sevilla
              pOLANd!                                  SPAIN
     nO bEGGINERs, lAMERs, eTc.              or just send an e-mail to:
  ..aNd fOREIGNERs vERy wELCOMEd!            _                         _
                                          - -/--> <--\- -
 |___________________  ____ _____    |                  ......      tF!/aZk!
 |\    ________      \/    |     \   |         ....... ::::::::    ...........
 |_\_______   /   \   \    l      \  |  . .....: ___ _ ::::::::....: ______. :
 |\       /  /___  \   \           \ |     ______)___  :::::::: _ ___)___ ¬| :
 | \________/   /______/_l___l______\| · ._) _______(  ::::::::  _______(  | :
 |    S Y N \  / D R O M E           | : |   (_/¯ _   _::::::::  (_/¯ _   _| :
 |           \/                      | : | :.     /__( `::::::' :.    /__(   .
 |                                   | : |_______/ ...  ...... _ ____/ ... .
 | for cool and friendly             | :...........:   :::::::: .......:
 |                elite swapping     |                 `::::::'
 |   __                    contact:  |                
 |  /_/\                             |         for happy mail-trading:
 |  \_\/        Kestrel / Syndrome   |
 |     .                             |              guma/ambrosia
 |      . __   Jan Christoph  Meyer  |     8705
 |       /\_\      Lehmsiek 1        |             91-494 lodz 87
 |       \/_/   25876 Schwabstedt    |                 poland
 |                   Germany         |
 +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+         1 0 0 %   a n s w e r 
        .æ@@@æ.   _____     ___  ___     ______     _____      _____
   .--.@@'  `@@.-/  __/__--_\  \/   \--__\ __  \---/  __/__--__\___/-----.
   | .@§     ß@@_\___    \_       _  \_    \    \_ \___    \_  __|______ |
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   `--`¤@@@¤' ------\___/------\/----------\___/------\___/------\___/lm!'
    Contact me for a fast'n'          NORK/NETWORK^MASSIVE^OSMOSE^DARKAGE
    friendly swapping experience                  Abraham Sanchez Gallego
    musicians are really welcome!                        Leon XIII, 5°-3C
    also send your votes for showtime'n'trashcan!           41009 Sevilla
                                             _                     SPAIN
   hi to those groups:                      - -\------>
    abyss.aliens.amiga circle.anadune.appendix.avocado.axis.balance.batman
     group.bros in arms.bucket.capsule.chaos age.chronique.crux.cydonia.
     darkness.depth.divas.dusk.erotic design.fanatic.fci.freezers.jewels.
  giants.goblins.gods.honoo.iris.kinky.llfb.massive.metro.mezcal.nah kolor.
   nivel 7.mystic.odrusba.old bulls.opium.osmose.outdoor.ozone.phuture 303.
  psykotrope.redline.ram jam.sadist.saf.sector 5.scoopex.sdc.silicon.spoon.
                 suicidal t.syndrome.trsi recordz.vacuum.void
                               _.______    ¡/
              ______           \¡         /|               ______
       _______\     \___________|_      ___|___      _____/     /_____
       \__   __\     \________    \_    \__    \ .___\___      _______\
         /   \________\    \_/     /      /    \\|      /     /     \
        /_______pnt^apt___________/      /______\\     /_____________\
                                |          |     \____/
               point of apathy  |         _|_
           alexander gustavsen  |         \_/ short greets: ambrosia
                  gardkroken 4  |          |  element . eltech . erotic
          n-615o ørsta, norway  |          |  flying cows . fun . giants
                               _|_         |  gods . limited edition
         fast or friendly swap \_/         |  looker house . mystic
      zip disks or dd floppies  |          |  ram jam . saints . syndrome
          support apathy prods  |          |  u'race . vajrayana . void
                ascii ordering  |        __!___ _
                           _ ___!_         ¡
  !::::::·               __                  !          _     _ . _  _ 
  |:::::·            _\\`  |                 |         (_'|_ 7 '||_'|_7
  |::::·            |  \   |                 |         ._)l_.l  ||  l_.
  |:::·  __  _    _____    |  ____ . __      |
  |::·  _\ \/ \_ _\___ \_ _.-|   / o° (_     |
  |:· _/  \  _  Y _____  Y   |  / Y \_/ \_   |       f r i e n d s h i p !
  |   \_   \/   |  `-'   |  /¯\   |     _/   |
  |  .o(-.__|___|-.______|-.______|-.___)o.  |
  |                 .      .                 |        ..strife of apathy..
  |           [aC!d |   \__| dGs]            |          torgeir amundsen
  |                 |__,\\                   |           glitregata  13
  |                                          |           3600 kongsberg
  |     4 FaSt & FrIeNdLy SwApP wRiTe 2:     |            n o r w a y. 
  |               Mc RuDi/MaWi             .:|
  |               WoJtEk NoWaK            .::|       _   _   _      |_     
  |           cZeRwOnYcH kLoNoW 5/2      .:::|      `_7 | 7 `_7 |_  | 7 | 7
  |          33-101 TaRnOw  , PoLaNd    .::::|      (_l l_l (_l l_. | | l_|
  |                                   .·:::::|          |               ._l
  |   I nEeD mOrE cTx - 100% AnSwEr 4 AlL::::|
                _____   ________   ____         ______   ._____
            ____\    \__\ __   /__(  _ \________\._   \__l    /
            \    \        \___/       \ \        l/         _/___
      _.____ \                  /______\    .____/              / ____._
       |      \________________/        \   l   /_______________\     |
       |                                 \__|                         |
       |                                                              |
       |   4 swapp ^ join write to:       4 cool^friendly swappa to:  |
       |                                                              |
       |         dRf/vENAL                       bUDGIe/v@NAL         |
       |     pIOTr  pASZKOWSKi                 kAMIL  kACZMAREk       |
       |      bOSMANSKa 33/4o                 bOH.wARSZAWy 1o5/3      |
       |      75-257 kOSZALIn                  72-2oO  nOWOGARd       |
       |__      -> pOLANd -<                      -> pOLANd -<      __|
         /_____                  answer 1oO%                   _____\
                        ____                                       ¡
    ______________  _ __\___\_______________________________ ¡    _|_________
    \________ \_  \    _________   \    __ /_  ___  \_  ___/_|_   \_________ \_
     / _____/  /  \\  /   \   \_\   \   \_   \   /   /______   \   |  _____/  /
    /_________/____\\//    \_________\____\   \_____/dwb________\  |_________/
                    \/______\              \___\             |     !
     for everything                                          !
     concerning music ->        raze / ambrosia
                                thomas petersen
                             norrebrogade 110, 2th
                                  8900 randers
                __/\__  /_\  ____________
                \ ___  /(_/-.    _____  /    ____  ______
                 \\ / _\_    \_ _\ __ \_ _.-|   / _\ ___/_  aC!d
                  \/ /   __    Y  ____/ Y   |  / Y______  \ .dGs
                  . /     /    |  '     |  /¬\   |     `  /o_
                  _o\    /     /________|________|________\_/ /\
                  \_/---/______\                             /_\\
                scene news collected by BLAZE / NAH-KOLOR+FLOPPY
      support this section with latest news from your group at this addy:
                               speed headquarters
                                   polna 63/5
                                 21-2oo parczew
                disk back with the latest issue of - s p e e d -
- Actual memberlist:
 Alloy .......................... console tester
 Bartman ................................. coder
 Big-Rat ................................ editor
 Cyclone ............................ graphician
 Devistator ...... graphician/swapper/asciimaker
 Dexter .................................. coder
 dRm! ........................... musician/sysop
 JCS ................................ graphician
 Madstop ................................. coder
 Moon .................................... coder
 Newt ............................... graphician
 Pink ................................. musician
 Poet .................................... coder
 Skindiver .............................. editor
 SMC ...................... coder/musician/sysop
 Spin .................................... coder
 Tyshdomos .......................... graphician
- Coolio change his handle to Blunt.
- Cyboman change his handle to Eliss-D.
- Spacebrain joined as musician.
- Artphaze has dropped AMBROSIA and the scene.
- Powdihacker left for PUZZLE.
- Draw change his handle to Guma.
- Shadow Walker change his handle to Riis.
- Drac started swapping again.
- Guma left AMNESTY and now he is a doublemember of AMBROSIA and COSMIC
- Actual memberlist:
 Access .................... raytracer
 Blunt ....................... swapper
 Cain ................. raytracer (pc)
 Drac ................. swapper/packer
 Eliss-D ......... graphician/musician
 Guma ............. asciimaker/swapper
 Karina ....................... mascot
 Lucifer .................. coder (pc)
 Raivo ......................... sysop
 Raze ....................... musician
 Riis ..................... graphician
 Spacebrain ................. musician
 Syntax ........................ coder
 Trayzor .................... musician
 Wax ........................ musician
 Zeek .......................... coder
- Ice has dropped AMNESTY and the amiga scene.
- Insert has dropped AMNESTY and the amiga scene.
- Madman has dropped AMNESTY and the amiga scene.
- Szudi has dropped AMNESTY and the amiga scene.
- Korball joined as swapper as triplemember from DINX PROJECT+APATHY.
- Draw change his handle to Guma.
- Dave left AMNESTY (and FREEZERS too) to be an independent musician.
- Zoltan joined as raytracer as doublemember from MAWI.
- Guma left.
- Actual memeberlist:
 Aju .................. modemtrader
 Beton .................. digitizer
 Domel ...................... coder
 Hasid ............ coder/organizer
 Ice .................. f r i e n d
 Insert ............... f r i e n d
 Invert .................. musician
 Korball .................. swapper
 Madman ............... f r i e n d
 Umpal ................. graphician
 Zoltan ................. raytracer
- Revisq joined MOSAIC (pc group) as triplemember.
- Action is still only an ANADUNE member.
- Norman has dropped ANADUNE and the amiga scene.
- Qba left ANADUNE to be an NAH-KOLOR member only.
- Celic joined as sysop.
- Nemezis BBS is now ANADUNE phq.
- Uphold The Law BBS in now ANADUNE german distro site.
 Action ................. modemtrader/musician
 Andy ............................ modemtrader
 Blackwine .................... coder/musician
 Celic ................................. sysop
 Dr.Greg ............................... coder
 Green ............................. raytracer
 Kazik .................. graphician/organizer
 Lazur ............................ graphician
 Losiu ........................... modemtrader
 Madbart ......... modemtrader/sysop/raytracer
 Mr.Acryl .............................. coder
 Revisq ............................. musician
 Zeebi .............................. musician
- Terry joined as musician as doublemember from DINX PROJECT.
- Mr.No joined as swapper and editor.
- Wizball joined as coder.
- Purple Haze joined as swapper and trader from SAINTS.  Later he change own
  handle to Haze.
- Tracky has been kicked out.
- Tentacle joined as graphician.
- Actual memberlist:
 Chriz .................... swapper/trader
 Cope ........................... musician
 Growl ........................... swapper
 Haze ..................... swapper/trader
 Hellrazor ................. coder/swapper
 Hyper ........................ ray-tracer
 Kismat .......................... swapper
 Korball ........ swapper/polish organizer
 Maze ........................... musician
 Mr.No .................... swapper/editor
 Mr.X .............................. coder
 Point ..... graphician/asciimaker/swapper
 Psycho ....................... graphician
 Rolex .................. musician/swapper
 Strife .......... organizer/coder/swapper
 Sunscream ......... graphician/asciimaker
 Tentacle ..................... graphician
 Terry .......................... musician
 Trump .......................... musician
 Wizzball .......................... coder
 Zeeball ........................... coder
 - Scout joined as coder from C-LOUS and ARTWORK!
 - Klaf has dropped APPENDIX and the scene.
 - Iron Angel will be inactive for a while - he is in army...
 - Ziutek joined as trader as doublemember from ROYAL.
 - Pike got kicked for being lame.
 - Maro got kicked for being lame.
 - Flapjack joined as swapper and packmaker from EROTIC DESIGN.
 - Informer joined as coder from EROTIC DESIGN.
 - FML joined as musician from EROTIC DESIGN.
 - Rappid joined as graphician from EROTIC DESIGN.
 - Carson joined as swapper and font maker from EROTIC DESIGN.
 - Cooper joined as graphicia from EROTIC DESIGN.
 - Jacobs joined as trader.
 - Hangman left for COSMIC WOODHEADS.
 - Actual memberlist:
 Acid .......................... graphician/asciimaker
 Carson ........................... swapper/font maker
 Cerber ........................... sysop/trader/coder
 Cooper.................................... graphician
 Deejay Jones ............................... musician
 Fenix ......................................... sysop
 Flapjack .......................... swapper/packmaker
 FML ........................................ musician
 Informer ...................................... coder
 Iron Angel .................................... sysop
 Jacobs ....................................... trader
 Judas .................................. coder/editor
 Madbart ............ sysop/trader/raytracer/organizer
 Madman ........................................ sysop
 Maverick ...................................... sysop
 Nazgul ........................................ coder
 Neuromancer .............................. graphician
 Offspring .............................. sysop/trader
 Radavi ........................................ sysop
 Rappid.................................... graphician
 Scout ......................................... coder
 Sundance ...................... graphician/asciimaker
 Sylwek .................................... raytracer
 Timer .............................. musician/swapper
 Trash Head .................................... sysop
 Wildthing .............................. sysop/trader
 Voice ...................................... musician
 Xtro ................................ sysop/raytracer
 Ziutek ....................................... trader
- Detector has dropped ARTWORK and the scene.
- Actual memberlist:
 Azure ..................... coder
 Cougar ............... graphician
 Damion ........ organizer/swapper
 Fiver2 ............... graphician
 Nero ................. graphician
 Nitch ..................... coder
 Noogman .............. graphician
 RokDaZone ...... editor/organizer
 Scout ..................... coder
 Sharon .................... coder
 Skyphos ................... coder
 SMT .................... musician
 The Loop ............... musician
 The Ripper ....... editor/swapper
 Trasher ................. swapper
 Tron ...................... coder
 Virgill................. musician
 Voyage .................... sysop
- Hollywood and Stelios left to their own group - VACUUM (but not this polish
- Lowlife left for THE BLACK LOTUS.
- Eliss-D and Raze From AMBROSIA formed a new group called COSMIC WOODHEADS, but
  they are still members of AMBROSIA.
- Drac joined as swapper as doublemember from AMBROSIA.
- Raze and Eliss-D are working on a cd.
- Draw joined as swapper and ascii artist as triplemember from AMBROSIA+AMNESTY.
- Draw hange his handle to Guma.
- Hangman joined as coder from APPENDIX.
- Carsten joined as musician on the PC.
- Actual memberlist:
 Carsten ................ musician (pc)
 Drac ......................... swapper
 Eliss-D ........ graphics/music/design
 Guma .............. asciimaker/swapper
 Hangman ........................ coder
 Raze ................. music/organizer
- Kalikone, Sear and Pit left.
- Newt left for be an ABYSS member only.
- Grace joined as coder from ILLUSION.
- Evrimsson joined as musician from ILLUSION.
- Bacalo has dropped CRUX and the scene.
- Actual memberlist:
 Amusic ........................ musician
 Boone ......................... musician
 Clary&T0f .................. graphicians
 Crisp ............................ coder
 Cueball ...................... raytracer
 Dexter ........................ musician
 Evrimsson ..................... musician
 Excess ....................... raytracer
 Golden Gell .................. raytracer
 Grace ............................ coder
 Grey ............................. coder
 Maniac ........................ musician
 Odin ........................ graphician
 Psychotron ....................... coder
 Rubic ......................... musician
 Shane ........................ organizer
 T-Ray ........................ raytracer
 Van Helsing ...................... coder
- Kaos Master joined as editor, swapper and raytracer from RAM JAM.
- Ghandy joined as swapper and editor from SYNDROME.
- Actual memberlist:
 Aud ............................ musician
 Corrosion ...................... musician
 Decibel ...................... graphician
 FBY ............................ musician
 Ghandy ................... swapper/editor
 Kaos Master .... swapper/raytracer/editor
 Lanch ........................ graphician
 Modem ................... coder/organizer
 Nork ................... swapper/musician
 TLM ............................. swapper
 Washburn .......................... coder
- They're dead.
- The Coolest joined as coder.
- The Paranoid joined as musician and sysop.
- Nemo Q change his handle to Ib.
- Whisker rejoined.
- Keldon joined as trader and swapper as doublemember from GIANTS.
- The Coolest change his handle to Jaffa.
- Allanon took over organizing in NORWAY from Solo.
- Actual memberlist:
 Bakerman ............................. sysop/editor
 Curt Cool ....... musician/swapper/organizer/editor
 Cytron ............................ musician/editor
 Dunlop .................................... bum (?)
 Elohim ............................ coder/raytracer
 Folcka ................................. graphician
 Gizmoduck ................ swapper/organizer/editor
 hund. ........................ graphician/raytracer
 Ib ..................................... graphician
 Nightsight ............................. graphician
 Presence .................................... coder
 Quedax ...................................... coder
 Snowman ................................. raytracer
 Trip ..................................... musician
 Allanon ... organizer/asciimaker/swapper/graphician
 Cope ..................................... musician
 Jaffa ....................................... coder
 Paithan	..................................... coder
 Ren ......................................... sysop
 SiDo ....................................... trader
 Solo ..................................... musician
 Sprocket ............................... graphician
 The Paranoid ....................... sysop/musician
 Fly .................................... graphician
 Icebreaker ...................... swapper/organizer
 The Glow ......................... musician/swapper
 Betty Boy .............................. graphician
 Chewie ........ swapper/trader/asciimaker/organizer
 DeeJay Jones .............................. swapper
 Keldon ............................. swapper/trader
 Legionary ................................... coder
 Schindler .................... sysop/trader/swapper
 Whisker ..................................... coder
- Mat joined as graphician.
- Spaced Out is the DIGITAL UKHQ. Sysop is ofcourse Zoltrix.
- Mat change his handle to Forge.
- Snozz joined as a world courier.
- Actual memberlist:
 Forge ........................ graphician
 Nemes!s ................ editor/organizer
 Okeanos ........................ musician
 Shade ........................ graphician
 Snozz ..................... world courier
 Tommy .......................... musician
- Aln! joined as coder from PICCO.
- Sagrael has dropped DINX PROJECT and the scene.
- Korball joined AMNESTY as triplemember.
- Actual memberlist:
 Acid ........... graphician/asciimaker
 Aln! ........................... coder
 Caro ...................... graphician
 Celtic ........................ trader
 Dan ......................... musician
 Drd ....................... graphician
 Dr.Szach ................... raytracer
 Franckey ................ coder/editor
 Groh ...................... graphician
 Korball ...................... swapper
 Ko$mi ........................ swapper
 Kro ....................... graphician
 Ogotay ............... coder/raytracer
 Oster .......................... coder
 Rg ..................... coder/swapper
 Sachy .......................... coder
 Sebax ..................... graphician
 Terry ....................... musician
 Timi ....................... organizer
 Tinner ..................... raytracer
 Zefir ..................... graphician
- Devistator left for ABYSS.
- Lithium and Wade left for GODS.
- Dr.Death and Spector left them.
- Splatterhead left for SCOOPEX.
- General Lee, Mic Flair and Orion left for RAM JAM.
- They are dead!
- Poldi left the scene.
- Phase joined as graphician from SPACEBALLS.
- Gfx-Twins left for SCOOPEX.
- Revisq joined MOSAIC (pc group) as triplemember.
- Informer isn't a our member! He is still in APPENDIX.
- Zig  was  never member member of FREEZERS as it was stated in some places!
- Def finally droppped his swapping activity.
- Actual memberlist:
 Blaze .................. swapper/packmaker
 Def ....... organizer/internet freak/coder
 Fame .......................... graphician
 Gabi ........................... raytracer
 Revisq .......................... musician
 Thorus ............................. coder
 Zig ................................ coder
- Dave leave FREEZERS and bought pc, but he's still active on amiga scene...
- Mr.Uhu change his handle to Uhu.
- Actual memberlist:
 Bip Bip ............... swapper/packmaker
 Germ ......................... graphician
 Ghost ................................. ?
 Moone ................. musician/amocoder
 Ostyl ............................. coder
 Sear ......................... graphician
- Zack left for SARDONYX.
- Firelord change his handle to Orhan.
- Mathews joined as sysop.
- Malakai, Fugazi, Dwangi, Groover, Woober, Tyneo, Sway and D-Coy was kicked due
  to inactivity.
- Wizard was replaced as WHQ by Hawk.
- Sublet joined as a coder.
- Bon was kicked.
- Keldon joined DEPTH as a doublemember.
- Wizard dropped most of his contacts, write to Hawk instead!
- Sublet left for PLANET JAZZ.
- Actual memberlist:
 Badboy .................................... swapper
 Hawk ..................... organizer/swapper/trader
 Keldon ......... the night train maineditor/swapper
 Mathews ..................................... sysop
 Millennium ............................... musician
 Mr.X .............................. swapper, trader
 Nobrain ..................................... sysop
 Orbit ....................................... coder
 Orhan .................................. graphician
 Oystein .................................. musician
 Spin Dizzy ............................... musician
 Wiseguy ............................ swapper, sysop
 Wizard ..... co-organizer/coder/musician/graphician
 W!G ...................................... musician
- Typhoon joined as graphician from AVALON.
- Sixpack got new Amiga after some german guys stole in at TP6.
- Eagle has dropped HONOO and the scene.
- Bip Bip was kicked.
- Mytholog joined as musician from MUTTONHEADS.
- Stone joined from MATRIX.
- Deets left the scene.
- Mr.C joined as musician.
- Meeku joined as coder.
- Rendall & Lord are the new organizers.
- Psycho got kicked more than 1 year ago.
- Soldier/WAVERIDERS (object maker) joined as a full time member.
- Jazz joined as musician as doublemember from HAUJOBB.
- Actual memberlist:
 Beast ........................ graphician
 EFT ............................... coder
 Gato ............................ swapper
 Jazz ........................... musician
 Lord .... sysop/trader/musician/organizer
 Mr.Pixel ....................... musician
 Rendall ....... graphician/main organizer
 Soldier ................. object designer
- Bubba dropped swapping!
- Digger joined as swapper from BUCKET.
- Miko63 was kicked out becouse of missing contact.
- Zoltan joined AMNESTY as doublemember.
- Enter joined as coder from SCUM.
- Active coder+graphician wanted.
- Actual memberlist:
 Bay-Tek .............................. coder
 Ctp ........... swapper/asciimaker/organizer
 Enter ................................ coder
 Insert .................... graphician/coder
 Jacko ........................... graphician
 Komar .............................. swapper
 Mc.Rudi ............................ swapper
 Mixer ............................. musician
 Seti .... graphician/asciimaker/co-organizer
 Starlight ............................ coder
 Van Ghorne ........................... music
 Yoyo ................................ editor
 Zoltan ........................... raytracer
- Payday left the group to be an member of REBELS only.
- Anjia & Lucha joined as girl swappers.
- AmiFlash joined as raytracer from INFERNO.
- Action left to be an ANADUNE member only.
- Blaze took over organization in Poland from Qba.
- Sloody left REDLINE to be an NETWORK and SILICON member only.
- Lapola joined as raytracer.
- Wasi joined as coder as doublemember from AMIGA CIRCLE.
- Weirdo joined as musician and swapper from REDLINE.
- The english version of TRASHCAN will be soon!
- Actual memberlist:
 Blue ................................. musician
 Dj Uno ............................... musician
 Lapola .............................. raytracer
 Leunam ..... graphician/organiser/ascii/swapper
 Nork ......................... musician/swapper
 Sloody ...................... swapper/raytracer
 Wasi .................................... coder
 Weirdo ....................... swapper/musician
 Wind .................................... coder
- Scorpik joined.
- Actual memberlist:
 Jogeir Liljedahl ............ musician
 Scorpik ..................... musician
 Jason ....................... musician
- Wusel was kicked out due to inactivity.
- Kalikone joined as editor and swapper from CRUX DEZIGN.
- X-Poole isn't a doublemember of SHELTER, he's is only a member of NUANCE!
- Actual memberlist:
 Kalikone .............. editor/swapper
 Kill'O'Byte .................... coder
 Phlexible ..................... editor
 Raven ........... graphician/organizer
 X-Poole ........ musician/co-organizer
- Entrix joined as swapper.
- Mixer left for MAWI.
- K.K. left.
- Krashan joined BLABLA.
- Actual memberlist:
 Delta ............. programmer/packmaker
 Electrip ....................... swapper
 Entrix ......................... swapper
 Krashan .......................... coder
 Lopez ............................ coder
 Pepson ............... organizer/swapper
 Sewer ....................... graphician
 Wizard ...................... graphician
- Akiro joined.
- Leper is in the army now.
- Check out the huge (over 60mb) lh-archive consisting almost all O'MOSES
  AGA-fixes and hd-installers!!!
- Hexagon joined MYSTIC as a doublemember.
- Kreon left.
- Sca left.
- Tactica left.
- Phonetic  left for MYSTIC.
- Fazion left PUZZLE for IMPACT DK pc division.
- Decoy joined as swapper as  a doublemember from PASSION.
- Deone joined as graphician.
- Blueberry joined as coder from EFREET.
- Lemmus joined as coder and musician.
- Exsistence joined as musician.
- Powdihacker joined as coder from AMBROSIA.
- Powdihacker renamed to Powdi.
- Actual memberlist:
 Archangel .................. musician
 Blueberry ..................... coder
 Deckard ........ graphician/raytracer
 Decoy ....................... swapper
 Deone .................... graphician
 Existence .................. musician
 Hexagon ....................... coder
 Lemmus ............... musician/coder
 Powdi ......................... coder
 Relief ..................... musician
 Robotnik ...................... coder
 Ruben ..................... raytracer
 TrickTrax .. musician/coder/organizer
 Trooper ................. uk spreader
- Mic Flair joined as sysop and editor from ELTECH.
- Orion joined as coder from ELTECH.
- General Lee joined as swapper from ELTECH.
- Vega is the new organizer of the group.
- Klorathy, Loop, Krustor and Payday left for REBELS.
- Kaosmaster left for DARKAGE.
- SHOW TIME is dead!
- Woltan has drooped RNO and probably the scene.
- Chucky was kicked due of inactivity.
- Tool joined as sysop in Finland.
- Vector joined as coder in Italy.
- Actual memberlist:
 Acidhead ............ musician/graphician/raytracer
 Angeldust ...................... graphician/swapper
 Cie ..................... german organizer/musician
 Craid .................... coder/graphician/swapper
 Deus Docet .............. italian organizer/swapper
 Iro  ...................... world organizer/swapper
 Kure4Kancer .... finnish organizer/musician/swapper
 Madel ......... polish organizer/swapper/pack-maker
 Nbc ...................................... musician
 Ndos .................................... raytracer
 Roz .............................. musician/swapper
 SuperDNA ......................... musician/swapper
 Tbc .............. dutch organizer/musician/swapper
 Tft ................... norwegian organizer/swapper
 Tls ...................................... musician
 Tmu ....................... sysop of Turbo Hyttynen
 Tool ............................. sysop of A-Files
 Vector ...................................... coder
 Xedos........................................ coder
 Zany ..................................... musician
- Klorathy, Loop, Krustor and Payday joined from RAM JAM.
- Madman joined from FACTOR.
- Zack left for SPACEBALLS.
- Gfx-Twins joined as graphicians from ESSENCE.
- Prowler joined as graphician from PASSION.
- Prophet (ex.Subject) joined as musician from PASSION+BALANCE.
- Splatterhead rejoined from ELTECH.
- Boogeyman joined as coder from PASSION.
- Enter joined as coder from EROTIC DESIGN.
- Insert left the Amiga scene! 
- Yoga joined as graphician from NAH-KOLOR.
- Steel was kicked out.
- Jim joined as swapper.
- Danthalian left for NEXUS.
- TZX joined as doublemember from THEFECT.
- They won the SILICONVENTION'97 Amiga demo competition with 'Synergy'
- Kane joined as swapper and sysop.
- Actual memberlist:
 CDK ......... musician/swapper
 JCS ............... graphician
 Kane ........... sysop/swapper
 Marc ........ musician/swapper
 NoName ................. coder
 Skylord ............. musician
 Souchak ................ sysop
- Doktor joined as musician.
- Kubik joined as coder.
- Bytebreaker joined as coder.
- Masher has dropped SKULLS and amiga scene.
- Czarny has dropped SKULLS and amiga scene.
- Actual memberlist:
 Bytebreaker ............ coder/swapper
 Doktor ...................... musician
 Elezar ..................... raytracer
 Kubik .......................... coder
 Larry ......................... writer
 Luck ........................ musician
 Neuromancer ..... graphician/organizer
 P242 ............... raytracer/swapper
 Seba ........................... coder
- Zack joined as graphician from SARDONYX.
- Android left for THREE LITTLE ELKS.
- Origo and Prospect joined as coders as a doublemembers from C-LOUS.
- Calladin joined.
- Pix joined as graphician from IRIS.
- Randall, Deelite and POW joined as musicians.
- Laz left for THREE LITTLE ELKS.
- Speed Devil joined as swapper from X.
- Hence joined as coder.
- Bombas joined as coder.
- AXM joined as graphician.
- Ant joined SPIDERBOYS C64 as doublemember.
- Spot and Plus8 joined as graphicians from NEW AGE.
- Laz has dropped THREE LITTLE ELKS and amiga scene.
- Actual memberlist:
 Android ............... musician
 Ant ................. graphician
 Coma .......... musician/swapper
 Explorer ................. coder
 Nude ................ graphician
 Plus8 ....... raytracer/designer
 Spot ................ graphician
 Tabasco .................. coder
- The Sect BBS is no longer our bbs (actually it never was).  We don't need any
  connection with modem-scene at all.
- Bax, Just, Maksiu and Pat are inactive on the scene, but they're still our
- "Apatia", the multi-channel musicdisk by Wierza will be released in June.
- Yes, we will probably visit the Intel Outside 4.
- Active members of our band are:
 Korbatz ............. art director/graphician
 Majkel ......... coder/swapper/article-writer
 Noster ................................ coder
 Pippen ................................ coder
 Rt ................................. musician
 Wierza ............................. musician
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